missing you,
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
not at this moment. sory,
sorry for the unupdated-no news-lame blog. haha. it's been a while i'm not actively online. i will update after this. just wanna settle sumthing first, than i inform all the news okay ? (;
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
pantai puteri, malacca ^_^
the date.
very very special date that combine two hearts become one.
that makes two person to have one special relationship,
that join one hands become two,
the person makes me feel important in his life,
the person is you syg (;
the date which declared us as a sweet couple.
the time which makes us jumping joyfully,
crying loudly
&& do things together,
lending shoulders to each other to cry on.
it's been one year since that moment happens.
i hope we will be together,
through the joy and the pain.
i heart you sygg
since we had celebrated our special day in advance,
i would like to say,
ok. i menang, i lagy chumel kowt
Entry entitled malacca? ahaha. its becoz since the first day the semester holidays has started, i didn't go any other state. i just went around here with my family && si Dia. i didn't able to gather around with my besties yet. some of them are siting for their finals, and some of them have other commitment. but i will make us meet up and hangout! hehe. so few days back, my family and i went to the SDSI that held at MITC Ayer Keroh. it's a nice event becoz the stalls are organized according to the states all around Malaysia. they have Kek Batik Sarawak which is famous in Sarawak, they have Mee Kolok and many more.. after been there for abour 3 to 4hours, we went to my aunt's house. just visiting her. so as usual camwhoring in the car while we were on our way there.
Tuesday, December 08, 2009
Imazara belajar Bahasa Malaysia (;
1. Bekas kekasih saya adalah:
Seorang yang mengongkong.. tapi saya tahu mesti ada sebab dia buat mcm tu.
2. Saya sedang mendengar:
Anang-Separuh Jiwaku Pergi, Colbie Cailait-Begin Here, Sean Kingston- Face Drop, Charice-Note to God.
3. Mungkin saya patut:
Jumpa dia depan depan dan selesaikan masalah itu.
4. Saya suka:
Facebook-ing, jumpa dia, hang out dengan teman tercinta (;
5. Sahabat-sahabat baik saya:
Mereka yang tak pernah lekang menyokong saya. berada dengan saya dikala senang dan susah. Love U All (;
6. Saya tak paham:
Kenapa susah sangat nak bahagia..
7. Saya kehilangan:
Keyakinan diri.
8. Ramai yang berkata:
Saya perlu jadi kuat. Jangan mudah mengalirkan air mata.
9. Makna nama saya:
Bunga (ZAHARA)
10. Cinta itu adalah:
Subjektif. Setiap orang memiliki tanggapan masing masing.
11. Di suatu tempat, seseorang sedang:
Belajar sambil layari internet (SINA syg ;p )
12. Saya akan cuba:
Berusaha pulihkan hubungan dengan dia. Jadi yang terbaik untuk semua. Insya Allah..
13. Ayat SELAMANYA membawa maksud:
Forever *err tapela. translate jek ke English.hehe.
14. Telefon bimbit saya:
Letak wallpaper dgn si Dia (;
15. Bila saya terjaga dari tidur:
Tengok jam dah pukul berapa. kalau awal lagy, snooze byk kali ;p
16. Saya paling meluat apabila:
Seseorang yang sengaja mereka reka cerita semata mata nak ambil perhatian. ohh please !
17. Pesta/Parti adalah :
Tempat yang tak sesuai untuk saya.
18. Haiwan yang paling comel yang saya pernah temui ialah:
Ofcoz kucing ! hehe.
19. Peringkat umur yang paling menyeronokkan bagi saya ialah:
Remaja. dalam belasan tahun.
20. Hari ini:
Hati tenang setelah meraung sepanjang hari semalam.
21. Malam ini saya akan:
Packing barang dan buat apa apa yang boleh menceriakan diri sendiri.
22. Esok pula saya akan:
Mula belajar untuk subject paper seterusnya. *urghh.
23. Saya betul-betul ingin:
Bersama si Dia skrgg..
24. Ketika anda lihat wajah anda di hadapan cermin pagi ini:
Mata bengkak dan sepet.
25. Pusat membeli-belah atau arked permainan:
Semestinya pusat membeli belah.Memang tempat kegemaran saya (;
26. Makanan Barat atau Jepun :
Barat. sebab tak lalu nak makan makanan Jepun.hoho~
27. Bilik yang terang atau gelap:
Terang. Senang nak carik barang.
28. Makanan segera adalah:
Makanan yang patut dielakkan tetapi saya berdegil jugak nak makan. takpe kan?
29. Ayat terakhir yang anda katakan pada seseorang?
Terakhir? emm, saya harap sangat awak ada depan mata saya skrg dan jelaskan kenapa kita mcm ni..
30.Siapa yang anda mahu Tag?
Sesiapa yang baca entry ni, buatlah. Saya buat sebab nak memperbaiki Bahasa Malaysia saya *ahaha. ;p
Seorang yang mengongkong.. tapi saya tahu mesti ada sebab dia buat mcm tu.
2. Saya sedang mendengar:
Anang-Separuh Jiwaku Pergi, Colbie Cailait-Begin Here, Sean Kingston- Face Drop, Charice-Note to God.
3. Mungkin saya patut:
Jumpa dia depan depan dan selesaikan masalah itu.
4. Saya suka:
Facebook-ing, jumpa dia, hang out dengan teman tercinta (;
5. Sahabat-sahabat baik saya:
Mereka yang tak pernah lekang menyokong saya. berada dengan saya dikala senang dan susah. Love U All (;
6. Saya tak paham:
Kenapa susah sangat nak bahagia..
7. Saya kehilangan:
Keyakinan diri.
8. Ramai yang berkata:
Saya perlu jadi kuat. Jangan mudah mengalirkan air mata.
9. Makna nama saya:
Bunga (ZAHARA)
10. Cinta itu adalah:
Subjektif. Setiap orang memiliki tanggapan masing masing.
11. Di suatu tempat, seseorang sedang:
Belajar sambil layari internet (SINA syg ;p )
12. Saya akan cuba:
Berusaha pulihkan hubungan dengan dia. Jadi yang terbaik untuk semua. Insya Allah..
13. Ayat SELAMANYA membawa maksud:
Forever *err tapela. translate jek ke English.hehe.
14. Telefon bimbit saya:
Letak wallpaper dgn si Dia (;
15. Bila saya terjaga dari tidur:
Tengok jam dah pukul berapa. kalau awal lagy, snooze byk kali ;p
16. Saya paling meluat apabila:
Seseorang yang sengaja mereka reka cerita semata mata nak ambil perhatian. ohh please !
17. Pesta/Parti adalah :
Tempat yang tak sesuai untuk saya.
18. Haiwan yang paling comel yang saya pernah temui ialah:
Ofcoz kucing ! hehe.
19. Peringkat umur yang paling menyeronokkan bagi saya ialah:
Remaja. dalam belasan tahun.
20. Hari ini:
Hati tenang setelah meraung sepanjang hari semalam.
21. Malam ini saya akan:
Packing barang dan buat apa apa yang boleh menceriakan diri sendiri.
22. Esok pula saya akan:
Mula belajar untuk subject paper seterusnya. *urghh.
23. Saya betul-betul ingin:
Bersama si Dia skrgg..
24. Ketika anda lihat wajah anda di hadapan cermin pagi ini:
Mata bengkak dan sepet.
25. Pusat membeli-belah atau arked permainan:
Semestinya pusat membeli belah.Memang tempat kegemaran saya (;
26. Makanan Barat atau Jepun :
Barat. sebab tak lalu nak makan makanan Jepun.hoho~
27. Bilik yang terang atau gelap:
Terang. Senang nak carik barang.
28. Makanan segera adalah:
Makanan yang patut dielakkan tetapi saya berdegil jugak nak makan. takpe kan?
29. Ayat terakhir yang anda katakan pada seseorang?
Terakhir? emm, saya harap sangat awak ada depan mata saya skrg dan jelaskan kenapa kita mcm ni..
30.Siapa yang anda mahu Tag?
Sesiapa yang baca entry ni, buatlah. Saya buat sebab nak memperbaiki Bahasa Malaysia saya *ahaha. ;p
Friday, December 04, 2009
kental ima, kental !
hardcore papers are coming,,
bring it on baby!
*err, bajet dah prepare kan ima? sekeh kangg.
miss you very strongg;
bring it on baby!
*err, bajet dah prepare kan ima? sekeh kangg.
miss you very strongg;
Wednesday, December 02, 2009
utk kau je.
sayang betul.. aku dah kenal kau lama dah. aku dah anggap kau orang yang rapat dengan aku. bukan kita kenal2 mcm tu jek, kita siap dah jumpa berapa kali dah kan? memanglah dulu kita bercerita benda yang sama, dulu ada masalah, kongsi sama2. tapi benda dah lama kan? aku tak faham lah. kenapa nak sebut sebut balek pasal benda ni. niat aku yang nak berkawan dengan semua orang pun dah terbantut. sekejap dengar orang ni cerita pasal orang ni, sekejap lagi orang ni pulak cakap pasal orang ni. aku yang dapat tahu ni pun dah tawar hati dah. rasa2 if susah sangat, semua buat hal masing masing je. boleh tak macam tu? aku tak susahkan hidup kau, kau tak susahkan hidup aku, i just wanna stop these rumors. jadi tak sedaplah if nak berkawan tapi ada je orang tak puas hati macam ni. aku bila berkawan dengan orang, orang cakap dia jahat ke, itu ke, ini ke, aku tak kesah, as long as dia tak buat hal dengan aku. selagi tu aku selesa nak berkawan dengan dia. so tak ada timbul hal buka cerita lah, apa lah. macam ni jela k, aku dah cukup senang hati, bahagia dengan hidup aku sekarang, aku sayang boyfriend aku, aku sayang kawan kawan aku, aku pun sayang kau. tolonglah move on. tak payah nak sibuk sibuk sangat jadi paparazzi aku. ok?
entry ni untuk orang yang berkenaan jek. sapa sapa yang tak terlibat tak payah gigit cili padi sendiri okay?
entry ni untuk orang yang berkenaan jek. sapa sapa yang tak terlibat tak payah gigit cili padi sendiri okay?
Saturday, November 28, 2009
the FOUR secrets.
1.Fatimah Zahara
4.Imazara (;
1. Sept 4 (a must ! )
2. Jan 22
3. Dec 17
4. Dec 4 (currently )
1. Facebooking
2. Blogging
3. Play Mario Games
4. SMS-ing.
2. lepaking with soulmates && darling Angels.
3. Him.
4. Holiday baby !
1. Teacherrrsss
2. Friendss
3. My late granniess
4. errr miss my cuzzy. quite a time didn't meet her.
1. Sponsored vacation (anyone? ahaha (; )
2. perfume could be nice.
3. outrageous shawl ever (i'm not deamanding, just my wish ok ;D)
4. a bucket of ur time to be spend with me (awww.. )
1. Street Walking
2. Window Shopping (fav !)
3. Enjoy eating ice-creams
4. Reading novels.
1. Paris
2. London
3. Malaysia will be nice (For Sure)
4. any island (don't have specific one.)
1. Watermelon Juice.
2. Milo Tabooorrr
3. Low Fat Yogurt drinks
4. Plain water.
1. Cellphone.
2. Purse.
3. Gummies, Lollies or Sweets.
4. Maybelline Glossy (;
1. Pink of course !
2. White
3. Turqoise
4. Baby Blue
2. Star Hill (Bukit Bintang sudaa. nak jugak english *dush )
3. Mid
4. Shopping Complexes mostly.
1. Allah (the Most Mercy)
2. Familiaa
3. Soulmatesss && Darling angelss
4. My Hero-Romeo Boyfriend (;
1. Pinky Winky Phone of course (;
2. Dearie Lappy.
4. Crocssy ;D
1. Sina Syg.
2. Syidot
3. Matahari
4. Lovely Emy.
Friday, November 27, 2009
the not-so-confident-but-okay debate xD

friends a.k.a soulmates

the government side

the opponent
(best speaker: miss jojo.congrats babe! )

the sporting-giler giler friends (;
love u all my darling angels !
alhamdulillah. the class has finally finished. i didn't managed to attend the last class which is MR.K's. luckily ain is there. because she'll be back home on thurs. or else, our group will not have the tips. hehe. love u lah ain ! (; we have a debate for the last class && also miss eda's test. quite frustating because i didn't do it at the very best. she didn't provide us enough time. so at the end, i just hentam the answer. urghh~ so for this eid adha holiday, i want to format back my mind. i want to spend my time with my family, enjoy eating everything ! ahaha xD
that night, i meet my close friend. heyy, don't get me wrong ok.my JaaSyg knows that i'm meeting him. we were just lepaking at McD Bangsar. because after that, i will meet my sis at lrt universiti. we don't go anywhere. he fetched me at KL Sentral and we were heading to the McD. then, my sis went back to our hometown, my mum join us also. a bit shock because we were expecting the road will a bit jam. but lucky us, we manage to reach malacca about 2hours n half. tgkla sape drive? *me me me. hehe.
that's all from me. i will upload my raya photo later ok? hugs n kisses. muah !
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
thnx !
thanks to YOU.
my heart is suffered enough!
you want to play some tricky games?
it's your problem.
none of my business.
i put my effort at the very best
it's up to YOU.
i just want to move on with my life.
because i have my own principle,
and i want to live a life at the highest peak.
my heart is suffered enough!
you want to play some tricky games?
it's your problem.
none of my business.
i put my effort at the very best
it's up to YOU.
i just want to move on with my life.
because i have my own principle,
and i want to live a life at the highest peak.
Sunday, November 22, 2009
dulu dulu.
tiba-tiba teringat dulu dulu. tak tahu kenapa.
kenapa aku tak berapa menghargainya, tak macam sekarang? mungkin sebab kenangan manis yang aku ingat.
masa umur empat lima tahun. kecik kecik, suka panjat bumbung rumah. sebab orang gaji kunci pintu. dia tak bagi keluar. so, aku cari jalan lain. makanya, aku panjat bumbung untuk ke rumah jiran sebelah yg dah steady tunggu.ahaha (; tu nasib baik tade pape berlaku. kalau jatuh bumbung, patah2. kan da susah. tapi mujr tade pape lah. sepanjang tu, mak ayah mmg tak tahu menahu, bila da besar, baru pecah rahsia kat dorang. hehe. *lawak.
masa sekolah rendah. murah rezeki, dapat pegy oversea. sekarang mula la teringin nak pegy lagi. dulu after SPM berangan nak pegi sana balek, tapi tade rezeki ;( masa sekolah rendah rajin pegi main masak masak dengan kawan. main kawen kawen, main tembak tembak guna pistol yang berasap asap tuh. macam macam lagi. budak sekarang rugi. tak merasa apa yang kitorang rasa dulu dulu kan? sekarang mainan dorang, Playstation, game boy etc. takde nak main batu seremban, congkak etc. *rindu.
masa sekolah menengah. form 2 & 3, pegi sekolah naik basikal. tiap2 pagi kayuh basikal. memang semangat nak belajar. kawan kawan pun berlumba lumba nak dapat kelas pertama. masa form 5. pegi sekolah naik skuter. panas hujan, kene redah jugak. sebab saya pelajar skema. tak reti ponteng kelas. tak reti nak melepak. suka angkat barang cikgu. budak budak semua pelik kalau tengok aku sekarang, sebab aku dah lain. tak skema macam dulu (;
masa tahun asas. gembira sgt. setiap kali dapat assignment, muka tak kerut langsung. kalau dapat assignment, mesti suruh nyanyi, mesti kena berlakon, cipta lagu etc. * suka. enjoy je masa tahun asas. tapi aku selalu datang kelas paling lambat. tiap2 pagi datang lambat. budak kelas dah naik paham. mesti muka aku tukang tutup pintu.hehe. miss pun dah naik kenal agaknya *miss, sorry i'm late. overslept.hehe. mujur miss baik. senyum je. kalau tak, dah kene bebel aku. silap haribulan, kelas kunci, aku tak dapat masuk.
tapi tu semua dulu dulu.
sekarang dah lain.
masing masing dah mengorak langkah.
termasuk aku.
aku dah tak datang lambat dah.
muka selalu berkerut je.
setipa kali datang kelas, mesti dapat keje baru.
belum sempat nak hantar keje tu, dah dapat keje baru.
mak cakap, "Buat lah apa-apa pun, mana ada senang. kalau keje, kene keja betul betul, kene ada usaha. macam study jugak. kene belajar sungguh2. jangan lupa solat. Insya Allah, Allah bukak pintu rezeki"
aku pun balas, "Mak, mak doakan ima tau." "Mana ada mak tak doakan kesejahteraan anak. Semua mak nak anak dorang senang, lapang, senang belajar, dah besar dapat keja elok elok, kawen orang baik baik" *lega aku mendengarnya.
aku makin menghargainya. aku NAK menghargainya sebab aku tak nak lain kali, aku menyesali apa yang dah berlaku sebelumnya.
" Yesterday is a history, today is a present and tomorrow is a mystery."
Do appreciate what u have and don't let them slip through your fingers.
kenapa aku tak berapa menghargainya, tak macam sekarang? mungkin sebab kenangan manis yang aku ingat.
masa umur empat lima tahun. kecik kecik, suka panjat bumbung rumah. sebab orang gaji kunci pintu. dia tak bagi keluar. so, aku cari jalan lain. makanya, aku panjat bumbung untuk ke rumah jiran sebelah yg dah steady tunggu.ahaha (; tu nasib baik tade pape berlaku. kalau jatuh bumbung, patah2. kan da susah. tapi mujr tade pape lah. sepanjang tu, mak ayah mmg tak tahu menahu, bila da besar, baru pecah rahsia kat dorang. hehe. *lawak.
masa sekolah rendah. murah rezeki, dapat pegy oversea. sekarang mula la teringin nak pegy lagi. dulu after SPM berangan nak pegi sana balek, tapi tade rezeki ;( masa sekolah rendah rajin pegi main masak masak dengan kawan. main kawen kawen, main tembak tembak guna pistol yang berasap asap tuh. macam macam lagi. budak sekarang rugi. tak merasa apa yang kitorang rasa dulu dulu kan? sekarang mainan dorang, Playstation, game boy etc. takde nak main batu seremban, congkak etc. *rindu.
masa sekolah menengah. form 2 & 3, pegi sekolah naik basikal. tiap2 pagi kayuh basikal. memang semangat nak belajar. kawan kawan pun berlumba lumba nak dapat kelas pertama. masa form 5. pegi sekolah naik skuter. panas hujan, kene redah jugak. sebab saya pelajar skema. tak reti ponteng kelas. tak reti nak melepak. suka angkat barang cikgu. budak budak semua pelik kalau tengok aku sekarang, sebab aku dah lain. tak skema macam dulu (;
masa tahun asas. gembira sgt. setiap kali dapat assignment, muka tak kerut langsung. kalau dapat assignment, mesti suruh nyanyi, mesti kena berlakon, cipta lagu etc. * suka. enjoy je masa tahun asas. tapi aku selalu datang kelas paling lambat. tiap2 pagi datang lambat. budak kelas dah naik paham. mesti muka aku tukang tutup pintu.hehe. miss pun dah naik kenal agaknya *miss, sorry i'm late. overslept.hehe. mujur miss baik. senyum je. kalau tak, dah kene bebel aku. silap haribulan, kelas kunci, aku tak dapat masuk.
tapi tu semua dulu dulu.
sekarang dah lain.
masing masing dah mengorak langkah.
termasuk aku.
aku dah tak datang lambat dah.
muka selalu berkerut je.
setipa kali datang kelas, mesti dapat keje baru.
belum sempat nak hantar keje tu, dah dapat keje baru.
mak cakap, "Buat lah apa-apa pun, mana ada senang. kalau keje, kene keja betul betul, kene ada usaha. macam study jugak. kene belajar sungguh2. jangan lupa solat. Insya Allah, Allah bukak pintu rezeki"
aku pun balas, "Mak, mak doakan ima tau." "Mana ada mak tak doakan kesejahteraan anak. Semua mak nak anak dorang senang, lapang, senang belajar, dah besar dapat keja elok elok, kawen orang baik baik" *lega aku mendengarnya.
aku makin menghargainya. aku NAK menghargainya sebab aku tak nak lain kali, aku menyesali apa yang dah berlaku sebelumnya.
" Yesterday is a history, today is a present and tomorrow is a mystery."
Do appreciate what u have and don't let them slip through your fingers.
Saturday, November 21, 2009
same goes to me *wink.
stuck in the jungle at batang berjuntai. can't wait to go back to my hometown. after celebrating aidiladha, i will be facing finals. really hope i can score well. wanna make 'em proud. oh by the way, my sis got 4A n 1B. congratz sis! you beat me! hehe *ashamed. pray for me people (;
so this weekend, i just aim to finish all my task before due date, which is next week, and then i wanna focus on the next testss (org ade study week, kite ni masih ada class && tests ~____~ ). my timetable for the final papers had released and luckily we're not gonna be the closing of the semester. aha. *jumping joyfully. mine starts on 2nd dec and ends on 10th dec. but unfortunately, the venue is not on my list.huhu. we have our favourite one *wink.
after all, i still wanna have my semester holiday NOW. some of my friends already have theirs but they said that it's getting boring because from day to day, they dunno what to do. aha. pity u lah ! i've planned my days already. ngeee xD
enjoy ur day people. same goes to me (^_*)V
the girl next door
so this weekend, i just aim to finish all my task before due date, which is next week, and then i wanna focus on the next testss (org ade study week, kite ni masih ada class && tests ~____~ ). my timetable for the final papers had released and luckily we're not gonna be the closing of the semester. aha. *jumping joyfully. mine starts on 2nd dec and ends on 10th dec. but unfortunately, the venue is not on my list.huhu. we have our favourite one *wink.
after all, i still wanna have my semester holiday NOW. some of my friends already have theirs but they said that it's getting boring because from day to day, they dunno what to do. aha. pity u lah ! i've planned my days already. ngeee xD
enjoy ur day people. same goes to me (^_*)V
the girl next door
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
the reason to smile.
hepy 11th month of annivesary dear (:
hope we will get through things together,
the happy && the sad,
don't let anything knocks you down,
because i will protect you,
the one that i loved so much.
ily. muah !
hope we will get through things together,
the happy && the sad,
don't let anything knocks you down,
because i will protect you,
the one that i loved so much.
ily. muah !
Sunday, November 15, 2009
from the bottom of my heart.
to: you,
i'm really really really sorry for my attitude to you yesterday. i'm out of control. maybe i'm in a bad mood perhaps. what is the most important thing is we have misunderstanding. i know it's my fault. but u must know that i'm not perfect. i'm just a normal human being like others. i'm not a mind reader that knows what people think & what people feel. i know your heart is broken because of the way my mind thinks. the situation isn't the same like before. you usually there for me, but not now. i should have known that. i should have understand u, but i failed. dear, i really need u in my life. i learned my lesson. i hope u will give me the second chance. i know that this is my biggest stupid mistake in my wholeee life. i never know that this will happen. i hope you hear what my heart is screamingg.. Last but not least, i love u so much with all my heart and soul.
from: the girl that full with regretnesssss.
Saturday, November 14, 2009
homey HOME.
just wanna update my blog by saying,
but not that happy. maybe my family isn't there like it used to be.
they have their commitment && i have to admit that i'm lonely.
luckily i have my youngest sister to accompany me.
&& also my cute cat. *hehe.
i hope we will gather soon FAMILY !
miss them. i wish they will be here during the AIDILADHA,
wanna spend my time with my sis.
toodless ~
mood: homey//
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
a perfect heart.
missing u like crazy.
but i dunno what to do.
p/s: imy.
but i dunno what to do.
p/s: imy.
Sunday, November 08, 2009
untitled post.
it's already half past one IN THE MORNING.
i don't know why am i having this mood.
mood that should i say blurr? or confused?
don't have any idea.
i guess i just have to pray hard.
all i do think about right now is to go back to my hometown.
pretty sad that some of my friends have already sat for their final papers
but not me. =.=
off to sleep//
sleep well people
i don't know why am i having this mood.
mood that should i say blurr? or confused?
don't have any idea.
i guess i just have to pray hard.
all i do think about right now is to go back to my hometown.
pretty sad that some of my friends have already sat for their final papers
but not me. =.=
off to sleep//
sleep well people
Friday, November 06, 2009
i swear i do.
sometimes i hate u. but sometimes i don't.
sometimes i could hate myself but sometimes i couldn't.
sometimes i should hate people around me which i shouldn't.
i'm sorry. i can't stop myself from hating people.
that is because i am an ordinary human being.
and i hope u accept me as i am.
i lose the most precious thing.
the lose makes me complicated.
cause when i look aside.
it's not there like it should be in the first place.
i hope i get it back.
the one that makes me hypnotyzed.
sometimes i could hate myself but sometimes i couldn't.
sometimes i should hate people around me which i shouldn't.
i'm sorry. i can't stop myself from hating people.
that is because i am an ordinary human being.
and i hope u accept me as i am.
not in a good mood.
everything is a mess right now.
nothing will come out well.
i swear i hate this feeling.
i really do.
everything is a mess right now.
nothing will come out well.
i swear i hate this feeling.
i really do.
i lose the most precious thing.
the lose makes me complicated.
cause when i look aside.
it's not there like it should be in the first place.
i hope i get it back.
the one that makes me hypnotyzed.
hardcore subjectsssssss for next sem.*TQVM
today, this fine friday, our class has been informed about the subjectsss taken for the next sem. wanna have a look? Make sure your eyes are clear enough to see.@_@
1. Educational Psychology
2. Academic and Business Writing Skills
3.Teaching of Aural-Oral
4. Teaching of Reading Skills
5. Material Selection and Adaption
6. Teaching Literature in TESL
7. Theatre in ESL
that's why i keep on stressing the -sss when i typed the SUBJECT. it's because of the number of subjects taken for next sem. if it's true, this is our first time to have SEVEN subjects. thank y'll. it's very kind of y'll to give us many subjects.
* stress enough when registering all these subjects. but what happen to me when i'll be in the future (next sem ) for real? u will never know.
hardcore subjects are waiting for me. shoot me die please? **BANG
1. Educational Psychology
2. Academic and Business Writing Skills
3.Teaching of Aural-Oral
4. Teaching of Reading Skills
5. Material Selection and Adaption
6. Teaching Literature in TESL
7. Theatre in ESL
that's why i keep on stressing the -sss when i typed the SUBJECT. it's because of the number of subjects taken for next sem. if it's true, this is our first time to have SEVEN subjects. thank y'll. it's very kind of y'll to give us many subjects.
* stress enough when registering all these subjects. but what happen to me when i'll be in the future (next sem ) for real? u will never know.
hardcore subjects are waiting for me. shoot me die please? **BANG
Monday, November 02, 2009
schedule of the week -.-
it's monday. starting of the week. don't be lazy ima, please ! i have loaddssss of assignments to do. i've arranged my schedule. ima, don't be clumsy again ok (:
mr choo's class
(speech ;( )
mdm K's class
(Grammar test)
mdm K's class
(submit Lesson Plan)
ms Eda's clazz
(homework + assignment)
mr raj's class
(presentation + hardcopy)
(listening, reading & writing)
wuaargghh @_@
my schedule is pack ! see?
haish. i really need time to rilex myself.
chill ima, chill.
hold on tight. another 2years more to go.
(i thought i can chill myself by saying that)
i guess NOT huh.
mr choo's class
(speech ;( )
mdm K's class
(Grammar test)
mdm K's class
(submit Lesson Plan)
ms Eda's clazz
(homework + assignment)
mr raj's class
(presentation + hardcopy)
(listening, reading & writing)
wuaargghh @_@
my schedule is pack ! see?
haish. i really need time to rilex myself.
chill ima, chill.
hold on tight. another 2years more to go.
(i thought i can chill myself by saying that)
i guess NOT huh.
Sunday, November 01, 2009
stay away from me PROBLEM.
i rindu u lagi lah. haish. hehe. that day i dating dgn dia. kat alpha angle. (baru tahu nama dia alpha angle. ingatkan jusco mcm tmpt2 lain jugak.hehe ) jalan2 kat situ tak berapa best lah. tmpt dia kecik kott. pusing2 kat situ, tak puas. lalu tmpt sama dalam 5 kali ade kot kan syg? ahaha. tapela. masa pon tak berapa mengizinkan. tu yang gi tmpt yang senang ada public transport je. ala maklumlah. kami ni belum ada kereta.hehe. hurmm, ni da balek sini, keje melambak lambak. tapi still tak reti reti nak siapkan. kenapalah this sem hardcore sgt. keje tak penah lekang. datang claz je, mesti dapat task baru. ni bulan 12 dah nak final. takotnye.. ;(
MUET nov 7.doakan aku weyh ! tanak dapat band 3 lagy dah. tolongla dpt band 4.aminn!
kang tak grad aku nnt.haish. selisih !
kang tak grad aku nnt.haish. selisih !
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
busy like the bees.

busy nye skrg ni.haish. tak menang tangan dibuatnya. nak hantar satu keja, 3 4 kerja lain dapat lagii. ohh kerja, biler la nak tamat? huhu~ i have a very tough week and i didn't do well for my micro teaching. the whole day i'm not in a good mood. i have so many things to do. with the tests, assignments n speeches. haish. PLUS extra replacement classes (tulah, time cuti tak hengat dunia ) so i really hope, i'm doing my very best for next week.=CROSSINGFINGERS=
p/s: rindula kat mak ~.~
Sunday, October 25, 2009
girls day out.
ohh what a day! enjoying our day && feel like in heaven weyh! (: ahaha.so yesterday, we went to petaling street to buy some DVD's.not me. only syidot n jojo. i felt like wanna buy one but on my second thought, i thought i wanna buy another Sophie Kinsella's novel.after that, we're heading to TS. jojo wanna make spectacles for her as she complained her eyes are not like before. her eyes are hardly to see . quite difficult to pick one for her as they are tooooooo many specs there.rambang mata, tak bole nak kata apelah kan. but at that moment, our stomach screaming like hell because it's like 12pm but we still don't make a step to any restaurant.so we took our lunch first then we went to that shop again. i suggested to them to eat at JOHNNY'S. they aggreed.we went there && eat like there's no tomorrow.hehe~ after lunch, jojo went and bought her specs,but me n others went for a fish spa.yeayy! ahaha. it is first time for syidot to try n luckily she didn't scream like i did in my first time.huhu. ashamed.ngeee.so after that, we made our steps to Low Yat. jojo wanna buy adaptor for her laptop. go n teman teman her n usha usha fon. dapat fon murah, jojo pon terpikat.tp jojo tabah time tu. iman dia kuat. terpegun sayamelihatnya.ahaha (geli seyh ayat ;p ) we enjoyed our day at the highest peak. byk keje kot before this && still byk lagii.tah bler nak habis keje2 nihh.be patient ima. ur holiday will come n take u out from there =.=
keluar sbb tension dgn keje.thnx syg sbb paham.imy.
Monday, October 19, 2009
finally, i owned u ! xD

oh my gosh! i'm sooo happy. yeay! (: because finally i owned the phone that i admired most.hehe.wanna see? yea for sure i provide the image for u' all to see. which color did i choose? of course i choose PINKY WINKY ;) (extremely happy okea) if u're here, u could see i'm wearing the biggest smile.ahaha.love u 'til the rest babe! (sory baby, ima beli fon ni jugak. da lama da ima idamkan.siap kumpul duit senyap2.titih peluh sendiri kot! hehe)
Saturday, October 17, 2009
happy 10th month anniversary sygg ;)

p/s: sorry i wish u dlm blog. takot u da tdo je. hehe.
Monday, October 12, 2009
miss tiny 'lil heart ;

Good morning madam && fellow mates. The topic of my speech is fashion.bla bla bla.. wuaah. i'm so nervous.huhu. this 'fashion' thing is actually one of my assignment. we have to give a seven minutes speech. it's up to us to choose any topic. and fashion is my choice because i think, it's interesting and can attract people. the speech is on this wednesday,which is another 2days to go. haish. i feel like i'm gonna melt in front of the audience. fyi, i'm not good in giving speech. i do have a stage-fright && it kills me when i know that my turn is next.duh~ wish me the best of luck okeyh? ehehe. so this week is really tiring. there is always something that i need to do, need to hand in and many more. i felt like a huge shopping mall bumped on my whole body && i'm crackingg. that's why, i really need this coming weekend to have a rest. i wanna watch the latest muvee and spend time with my youngest sis. holiday, can u come near to me? i really need u to come quickly. i would be appreciate them at the highest peek! huhu. hope U listen to my tiny 'lil heart ;) pleaaaassseeee.
really bz rite now, with all the assignments, presentation && testtttss. =.=
miss tiny lil heart//
Sunday, October 04, 2009
can u whisper to me?
helo melo (:
juz wanna fulfill my time. i don't understand why am i that lazy to study.
my heart isn't here yet. still flying here and there searching for a great feeling.
really hope that it will fit to me because there is soooo many things to settle before the deepavali.
so my sweety heart, can u stick to me as long as u could? hoping til the rest of these 2 weeks.
my mood is just like a group of birds flying in the air.
that need freedom to survive.huhu~
my hair is messy, my head is running of ideas,
my fingers keep on typing something that they shouldn't do.
my legs still wanna have some more exercise,
but the steps are not static
soul ohh soul, can u whisper to me so that i have the passion to study?
juz wanna fulfill my time. i don't understand why am i that lazy to study.
my heart isn't here yet. still flying here and there searching for a great feeling.
really hope that it will fit to me because there is soooo many things to settle before the deepavali.
so my sweety heart, can u stick to me as long as u could? hoping til the rest of these 2 weeks.
my mood is just like a group of birds flying in the air.
that need freedom to survive.huhu~
my hair is messy, my head is running of ideas,
my fingers keep on typing something that they shouldn't do.
my legs still wanna have some more exercise,
but the steps are not static
soul ohh soul, can u whisper to me so that i have the passion to study?
Sunday, September 27, 2009
haven; bukit ampang.
Waahhhhhh, teruja! nape aku teruja? sbb aku dpt tgk view bandar KL yg sesak tuh! kat mana? kat bukit ampang.yeayy! (: sebenarnya, akak aku nak buat surprise kat bf die, so dia ajak aku skali (die ajak? no. aku yg menyibuk ;p ) surprise nya ialah, dia nak bawak gi bukit ampang. masalahnya, kitorang ni pon 1st time pegi. so nak dipendekkan cerita, kami sesat ! ahaha. malu kan? ha'ah.malu sgtt. tapi tape. bf die cool jek.ehehe. dgn sabar, kitorang meneruskan jugak perjalanan. akhirnya sampai jugak AMPANG LOOK-OUT POINT tu. restoran dia biasa jek. tadela nak kata decoration giler babi cantek. tade. tp yang best nya, restoran tu terletak kat lereng bukit. bole nmpk scenery yang cukup cantek ! ehehe. mmg puas hati lah. sampai2 sana jek, ktorg order mkn. lepas mkn, akak bg suprise, akak bg cupcakes + present kat bf dia. cantek la jugak. lepas2 dah selesai tu, kitorang naik kat menara tinjau tuh. time tu terik sikitt lah. kat puncak menara tu, ade sepasang pengantin tgh snap2 picture. wahhhh, beshnye ! (syg, kita camtu nnt taw ;pp ) ehehe. lepas2 tu. da tak tahu nak ke mana, so we're heading to midvalley. dah mati kutu tak tahu nak buat apa., kitorang pon main bowling. tekejut tgk tmpt bowling mid tu. glowing rupanya! ahaha.(jakun jap ) so, seperti biasa, ada pic skett (:
so sorry. pic berterabur skett. sbb wifi da mula giler. sebelum makin giler, baik aku blah cepat2 kan? ehehe. nnt korang pegi la tmpt tu. cantek weyh! lagi lagi sesapa yang suka tgk view2 natural, suka snap2 pic. mmg worth it lah! (:
p/s: kakakku syg, nnt kita ajak ja'a skali keyh! ehehe (ayat membodek cukup gedik kan?)
so sorry. pic berterabur skett. sbb wifi da mula giler. sebelum makin giler, baik aku blah cepat2 kan? ehehe. nnt korang pegi la tmpt tu. cantek weyh! lagi lagi sesapa yang suka tgk view2 natural, suka snap2 pic. mmg worth it lah! (:
p/s: kakakku syg, nnt kita ajak ja'a skali keyh! ehehe (ayat membodek cukup gedik kan?)
Friday, September 25, 2009
highlight time raya *wink
hai semuaa ;) setelah puas beraya hampir seminggu, so macam2 cerita nak di kongsi bersama, byk pic nak di upload, kat myspace lah, facebook lah, friendster lah, mcm2. so entry ni untuk highlight sepanjang hampir seminggu beraya nih. dari 1st day raya, sampailah skrg, asyik mkn je keje! mulut ni asyik nak mengunyah jeh. abes nasi impit, berpindah pulak ke rempeyek kacang, pastu kuih muih, biskut raya n etc. pastu lepas ni,mula la sibuk bising, badan da berisi lah, baju tu tak muat, seluar ni da ketat dan berbagai bagai! ahaha. tu time after raya. ni time before raya, meriah dgn mercun meletop letop, naik bingit telinga nih. tapi tulah meriahnya. biler lagi nak main mercun kan? tapi nak main tu baik2 lah k. so bawah ni ade pic skitla. ragam pabila syawal menjelma ;)
from the left: kak shikin (kazen), fara (adek) ,ima, makteh n my mum ;)
first day raya
ontheway ke muar, konvoi 2 keta
time ni kat kampungg: MUAR
sedang melantak nasi serai.
amira yasmeen
bdk ni kiut sgtt.geram! she can speak english fluently!
i'm so amazed with her american accent ;)
* 2nd day of raya; heading to jb.
kmpg belah mak ;)
Naajiyah Begum Auladin
she's mauritian. my schoolmate when we were in form 2 n 3.
love n miss u dear
chef in charged!
time ni kat dapur. umah aku ade openhouse.sorry yea.
aku tak ajak smue. time ni terlalu ramai.tak menang tgn.
lain kali aku buat, aku jempot korg yea
itulah yang berlaku pabila menjelangnya hari raya. bz sket time raya nie. ni yang berlaku time aku raya, korang lak camner? nnt letak kat blog keyh! boley berkongsi cerita ;)
itu je kott buat masa ni. esok da nak balek umah akak kat sh alam. pastu nak balek kolej. pastu mula sibuk dgn claz. huh =.= bz nye idop. hehe. that's all for now. selamat hari raya !
first day raya

sedang melantak nasi serai.
bdk ni kiut sgtt.geram! she can speak english fluently!
i'm so amazed with her american accent ;)
kmpg belah mak ;)

she's mauritian. my schoolmate when we were in form 2 n 3.
love n miss u dear

time ni kat dapur. umah aku ade openhouse.sorry yea.
aku tak ajak smue. time ni terlalu ramai.tak menang tgn.
lain kali aku buat, aku jempot korg yea
itulah yang berlaku pabila menjelangnya hari raya. bz sket time raya nie. ni yang berlaku time aku raya, korang lak camner? nnt letak kat blog keyh! boley berkongsi cerita ;)
itu je kott buat masa ni. esok da nak balek umah akak kat sh alam. pastu nak balek kolej. pastu mula sibuk dgn claz. huh =.= bz nye idop. hehe. that's all for now. selamat hari raya !
p/s: syg, thnx dtg umah aritu. sorry sbb tak dpt nak layan sgt. sibuk melayan tetamu.ehehe. ilydm (:
Thursday, September 17, 2009
selamat hari raya semuaa

Selamat Hari Raya semuaa ! wahh, lagi berapa hari je nak raya dah. dua tiga hari lagi puasa, then raya menjelang tiba. sekejap je rasenye puasa. mcm tak puas puasa jek lagi ( sebenarnye berat badan belum turun sampai target lagii ;p ) rasanya macam baru hari tu borak borak dgn member pasal nak berpuasa. ni alih alih dah nak raya daa. ni kat umah ni, da syok perang mercun daa. aku pon join jela. tapi yg ringan ringan jek la. yg mercun bola tu tak beranii,hehe. kwn akak aku seludup kat mana ntah mercun mercun ni. skett nye byk lagii weyh ! ade gak la rasenye dorang ni nak buat perang mercun dgn jiran belakang umah. ehehe~ ( da la jiran depan and belakang umah aku ni umah kwn aku. maaf ye kawan kawan.) dorang ni da datang JIN mercun dorangg. huhu. so we juz having fun playing these things. rinduu zaman dulu dulu. aku pelik, dulu main mercun meletop bagaii nak rak pon still okea. skrg ni bkn main kene banned lagi mercun ni. tulaa, budak skrg ni main tak jage keselamatan. main sampai kudung kudung tgn tuh. ish ish. main mercun tu hati hati laa keyh! ;)
Pada menjelang hari raya yang bakal tiba ni, aku nak mohon keampunan dari hujung rambut sampai hjung kaki di atas salah silap aku pada korangg, insan ini insan yang lemah, tiada sifat maksum seperti nabi muhammad S.A.W . aku harap sgt korang dpt maafkan aku. aku ni kekadang tergedik, kekadang tertipu, kekadang terlepas ckp sehingga ade yg sakit hati. mintak maaf sgt sgt. kekadang aku tak perasan. seriously! aku amek kesempatan ini utk mohon maaf sejak kita mula kenal, berkawan, harap tiada yang terguris hati lagi, aku pon macam tu jugak! ;)
SELAMAT HARI RAYA SEMUAA ;) berhati hati di jalan raya, baik baik main mercun tu, ingatlah orang yang menyayangi anda. (suke ati aku jek buat quotation sendiri ;p )
Sunday, September 13, 2009
mkn kat bandar lama.hehe~
Yesterday was a fine day,, hehe~ i went to the midvalley with jojo n syidot. but before that, we went to Puduraya first to buy a ticket for me and for syidot too. so i will went back to Malacca tomorrow.yeayy! (: after that we catch a train to mid that was packed with human beingg.duh~ mid ouh mid, when u will do some improvement huh? the ktm suckks man ! ok ok, back to the story, so as we were there, we were shopping like there's no tomorrow, beraaattuussss la jugak. pokai aku =.= but its for the long term also actually.ehehe. then then ,, the best part is that we watched final destination 4. euuww disguise me ok. sorry jo, aku jerit jerit. hehe. but worth it lah. go n see urself. don't hear much about some crititisms. dah lepas lepas tgk tu, mula lah kelam kabut ! becoz it's already half past 5 n at mid after 5 is a NO WAY ! we rushed to the KTM and as i told u, the KTM suckks, we missed 1 train n luckily we make it the 2nd + what a lucky day coz we have sits enuff for us.ahakz! tak penah penah gi mid naik ktm dpt sit weyh! and and we went to the old town white coffee which is next to the sogo. && here's the pic. ;)
mlm kejadian ;p

p/s: alaa, kawan kawan, jgnla amek hati okea. sekadar berhibur. tiada kaitan dgn hati dan perasaan dendam kesumat! ahaha. hepi besday kwn2 (:
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