him: Dah makan tak?
me: suda suda (: Awaakk, nak tanya ni..
him: Apa dia?
me: Awk rindu kita tak? <------ STRAIGHT TO THE POINT ! HAHAA :P
him: Rindu macam mana tu? HEHEHEHE <----- Dia yang taip macam ni eh. Bukan aku yang tambah :P
me: Yela. Tak rindu la tu kan? Dah takpe takpe. Macam ni eh sekarang. Takpe !
*Jahat ke tak jahat? haha! Lepas tu terus change topic. Nampak sangat dia tak rindu aku. Cis kek betul ! :P*
Dah biasa dah. Kitorang memang macam ni. Suka nak mengusik ! Miss you :')
It`s been a loooooooooooooooong time I haven`t seen him tau. Kesian aku kan? Tula. Apa nak buat. Duduk berjauhan ! :P I was so touched with his attitude. He is a protective man. And SWEET ! Auwwwwwwwww. AWAK, KITA PUJI AWAK NI :D haha! Yeah rite. Like he reads my blog kan! Ok. Back to the story, during last time, when we go out together, he never missed to buy me lollipop. Weeeee! Ala lollipop yang Chupa Chupp tu ((: If you can`t recall, scroll down..

Haa this one lah ! (: He knows that I kinda sweet tooth person. Kenapa ada 'kinda'? Because I will eat according to my mood. So in my handbag, there will be sweets, chocs or even gummies (: So that one day, we went to the Curve, because he said he wanna buy something for his dad. Okayy. We entered Watson. I only bought mineral water if i`m not mistaken, then i said to him 'Nak jalan kat luar jap eh' He said 'Okay'. Then few moments, he was out from that store and was looking for me. I like to mengusik dia. So I hide myself somewhere. I menyorok belakang tiang ! Hahaha. Then dari jauh dia cekak pinggang suruh keluar. Haha! Fahneyyy :F
him: Nak menyorok eh? Tinggalkan kat sini kangg.
me: hahahhaha ! Aloloo. yela yela. main- main jelaaa (: dah dapat cari barang tu?
him: sudah (: jom?
me: okayy jom gi Vincci jap !
him: ehh. alamak. Jap jap !
me: asal?
him: tunggu sini jap eh. *he was running back to Watson*
me: *waiting for him sambil jalan perlahan-lahan cuci mata :P *
him: *he walks beside me and said* Nahh untuk awak.. *giving lollipops to me. Two lollipops.
me: huh? ape ni?
him: Laa lollipop laa.
me: Yela. mmgla lollipop. asal beli. susah-susah jela. Eiiiiii !
him: hehehee *sengih* nah amekla. satu makan, satu simpan ye (:
me: Auuuuuwwwww. Thanksssss tauuuuuuu ! *apa lagy. senyum kambeng la aku kan*
Really miss that moment :'( Nak jumpa dia susah kot. Mengalahkan artis ! Haha :D Hoping u`re fine there. Sweet Dream, Sleep tight yea? (:
p/s: wanna know why i posted this entry eh? because i looked through my piccas just now and accidently looked at his pic. Haa. Kan dah jiwang lebeyy ! :D
Much Love//
Imazara Hapiz
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