Monday, December 27, 2010
when the mind blown awayyyy
Assalamualaikum kawan-kawan. Ok. Rasa bajet sekali lagy. Sebab rasa takde orang pon nak baca blog budak-budak aku nehh. Huhu. Tapi takpe, nak update jugak ! :D
I had a very stressful week ! You know what, i have to submit my first three topic, which is from Chapter 1 `til 3 in only one week time ! Gila lahh. Rasa macam Professor yang dah ada doctorette dah. Huhu. Tak suka la macam ni. Kerja tergopoh gapah. Mana ada kualiti nanti. Ni pun mujur dah siap sket. Sket je tau tak. I don`t know whether i`m able to complete it at that time :( Pray fer me yeaaa. Jasamu dikenang ! :D
So i have listed the tasks that needs to be settled during these two weeks, which are:
a. Yes of course my term paper/ thesis. (Chapter 1-3)
b. The interview questionnaire. ( We have to interview at least three teachers in one school to make a review of the principal of that particular school- Bukak ke tak sekolah sekarang ni? Aku bagy masa 3 saat untuk korang pikir )
c. Design 10 different activities by using 5 skills BUT the materials will be only two. Which are international article and local article.
d. FOR YOUR INFORMATION, we will be having our test on the 30th December.
Sekarang hang habaq kat aku. Hang bgtau kat aku yang mana satu aku kena sebat dulu? Huhuhu. Pening kepala aku. Aku nak pegy Yun Nam la lepas ni. Rasa macam kepala dah botak dah T________T
I have no idea why at the very last sem we need to struggle. Why we need to do the term paper. We`re not a researcher. We just doin` our practicum. Do we need all of these? *BLUR*
All the best to me *crossing fingers*
Saturday, December 25, 2010
Diam diam gua, gua ada tahap kesabaran jugak der !
Setiap kata-kata kau adalah dusta. Kau masih tak perasan lagy ke? Aku nasihatkan kau, malam-malam, pejam mata, muhasabah diri tu. Kenapa nak tipu? Dapat award ke kalau kau tipu tu? Insaflah eh. Aku kalau ikut marah aku, aku penampar je kat muka kau. Tu kalau ikot marah aku lah. Tapi Alhamdulillah aku tak macam tu. Masih waras.
Kali ni tak payah lah awak nak tanya entri ni untuk sape eh. Sape penipu tu, eh tak pun sape yang penah ngadu or repot pape pasal aku tu, jaga-jagalah eh. Kau dah lah bagitau dia, pastu sikittttt pon kau tak bersalah kat aku kan? Padahal kau cerita dengan bangganya pasal aku tuh. Haha. Tak paham betul kan? Ada jugak manusia macam ni. Spesis alien ke ape? Haha. Dah dah. Nak touching dengan aku pulak ke? Sikit pon aku tak heran la beb ! I know you really well. If lepas ni kau kena sisih tu, paham-paham jela yea. Dah 21tahun hidup kan? Takkan kena ajar jugak kot?
Auuuuuw. Kasar sangat ke entri aku kali ni? Haha. Chill lah der. Gua seyes tahap gaban punya story nii. Terhangat di pasaranlah katakan. Hahaha. Hepy Holiday ye!
Friday, December 24, 2010
Kau tabahkanlah hatiku YA ALLAH :'(
Ohh BTW, Merry Christmas for those who will be celebrating it tomorrow.
For Malaysians, Hepy Holiday !
HOME SWEET HOME ! That was the first phrase that came out of my mouth when i reached home. SO damn tired ! Tired of driving, tired of shopping, tired of hearing people shouting and etc. There`s a bunch of things that need to tell. And my heart is like wanna explode at this time ! I don`t even know how to start. Or should i do it from the very beginning then?
Ok. Friday morning, of course we would have waken up with smile. Hoping that the day will be extra ordinary great ! Yea rite. But not for me. Today, i met my lect. It`s regarding to my thesis. She said she wanna see us Friday morning. So my friends and i went to see her with 'butterflies in our stomach'. You know what, we heard so many bad and negative things about her. Yela. Dah orang cakap macam-macam. Tipu sangatlah kalau kau buat tak endah kan? At first memanglah dalam hati 'Alaa. Dorang saje je kot takut-takutkan kitorang'. Takpun, 'Alaa dorang memang ada buat salah la tuuuu' *Ayat sejukkan hati lah katakan* But then, that thing was happened to me. YES ! Me me me ! Kenapalah aku jugak mangsanya? Adoi. Come on lah. You are a lecturer. Be fair to people. Eventhough you`ve gone through bad things when you`re student, don`t just shoot us dead ! You still have to consider our rights. Ni tak, kitorang datang cara baik, dia buat macam-macam lak kan.
' Who taught you how to do the proposal? You know what, please don`t make a fool with me ! This is a serious matter. Don`t you know how to the proposal???? Who taught you? Tell me now..'
'Err. Mr Ku..'
'Who is he? Is he a lecturer or a teacher? Dari sekolah ke kolej?'
'Err. He is from *sumwhere*'
' I do not know whether he taught you this or you don`t even know what you are doing ! I`m not gonna teach you how to do the proposal. I`M ONLY HERE TO SUPERVISE YOU AND NOT TEACHING YOU. Read more journals and articles. Do your read up. I`m not gonna teach you. Ask your friends from other universities. Don`t you have other friends from other IPT?'
'Err. Yes madam.'
'So, Ask themmmmm ! Ni proposal pon macam ape. What is this ????? Using crossword puzzle to improve vocab? Who did this?'
'Err. Me madam. I did that topic.'
'These objectives are not clearrrr !!!! What is this?? What method do you use?'
'If you do not answer now, i bet you won`t do well for this research !!!' *mata terjegil pandang aku sambil tunjuk jari telunjuk kat depan muka aku*
Lepas tu, dia mula hentam sorang-sorang. Paling banyak kena marah, aku dengan member aku sorang lagy. Tiba-tiba menyesal duk depan meja dia. Dah la dia tengking tak beringat ! Ohh. Lupa nak bagitau, SILA BACA PERBUALAN DI ATAS DENGAN INTONASI KEREK DAN MARAH OHH DAN TAK LUPA JUGA, INTONASI NYARING DAN TINGGIIIIII !
It`s quite hard to negotiate with people which is hot tempered person. Macam mana nak deal dengan orang tengah marah. Sekali kita balas, sepuluh kali dia sembur balek kat kita. Berani korang nak tanya soalan keraguan yang bersarang dalam fikiran korang? BERANI KE? Tak kan? Macam tu jugak aku :'(
I took my shower after i reached home. I cried very badly. I`m so damn stress ! I can`t even think about other thing. My blog is the first thing that i lend my shoulder on. Tak tahu nak mengadu dengan sape dah :'( My mum was so busy handling my sis`s upcoming wedding. She will ask my opinion in everything that she will do. Even i`m taking my shower, she shouted from downstairs..
'Imaaaaaaaaa.. Turun bawah, i wanna ask your opinion ni..'
' Maaaaaaaaaaak, nantila. Ima tengah mandilaaaaaaaa'
Then after i done, i went downstairs,
'Nape mak panggil ima tadi? Ima tengah mandila'
'Ohh. Tade. Nak tanya, color ni dengan color ni matching tak? Ila cakap tak matching. Mak rasa okay je. Apa pendapat ima?'
I was likeeeeeee EIIIII. I HAVE SO MANY THINGS IN MY HEAD AND SHE JUST WANNA ASK MY OPINION ABOUT COLOR? Tak terluah dek kata-kata lah ! Speechless ! Lidah kelu !
At the end i just say, 'Maakk, matching lah. Penat je kita pilih-pilih tadi kan. Dah elok la tu.'
Then i toleh my sis and say, 'Buat jelah. Benda dah beli kan. Banyak pulak tu. Takde maknanya tetamu nak bising color tak macthing ke apa. OKAY? '
I ran upstairs with my watery eyes.
Sunday, December 12, 2010
You know we`re superstars, we are who we are :D

tengok tu. udang golek golek dalam kuali :P

Wednesday, December 08, 2010
You torn my heart :(((
Just wanna let u guys know about something happen to me. Ohh. Not me actually. It`s my car. It has been scratched by i don`t know which fella. So saaaaaddd :((((( I went to the MAHA last Sunday. It was the last day for that event. I parked somewhere in the RISDA. Maybe it was because too cramped at the other side.
Ohh. Just lets get back to the story. I`m sooooooooooooooooooooo damn upset. Coz idk what to do `til now. I wanna get it polished later. But still don`t know when since i was packed with class and thesis. T_______T. The best part was i left my car just for about few hours. Then when i came back, my friend said, 'Ima, someone scratched ur car' At first, i thought she was joking since she likes to fool around. When i see it myself, Ohhhhhhh Emmmm Jiiii ! *Terjegil mata*
Sunday, December 05, 2010
Kacak luar. Kacak dalam.
Monday, November 29, 2010
Sis`s E-day !
Eh silap. Gambar budak ni buat apa. Bukan dia yang tunang pon. Ni tukang makan je keja. Ceh. Ok ok. Proceed next photo. Zasssssss !
Haa. yang pakai spek duk bawah tu la. Adek si tunang. Haha. Alaa, saje je suspen la. Hehe :p Tu haa. akak den yang sulung. Kaler peach. Jangan tanya nape pilih kaler tu. Dia je yang tahu. Gi tanya dia. Aku malas nak tanya. Cess. Lighting tak elok. And aku pon satu. Asal lah tak edit dulu. Ok. Dah ter-upload dah. Proceed jela eh. Haha. *dimaafkan* Zasssssssss !
Haaa. Ni member aku. Classmate masa Form 4 & 5. Aku kena sebut Form bape. Sebab aku kan berpindah-pindah sekolah. Huhuu. Satu family dah kenal member aku ni. Makcik aku pun dah naik kenal dia dah. Dia pon takde la penat sangat nak kena hadapi interview kan. Hehe. Sayang kau ! Lepak umah aku lama sket lain kali :P
Taraaaaaaa. Nilah dorang. Dorang gerak dari unisel time tu. Zarina sanggup datang unisel. Semata-mata nak gerak sekali dengan Jojo n Cidot. hehe. Mekaseh korang ! Nanti akak aku kawen, korang datang melaka lagy ye.
Sebagai habuan dorang datang umah aku. Apa agy, aku bawak la dorang jalan-jalan. Haha. Melaka kan Bandaraya Bersejarah. Aku jadi tourist Guide dorang masa tu. Ceh. Bajet je dak ima ni :p
The next day, pegy lagy Dataran Pahlawan. Si jojo membeli lagy. Cehh. Haha. Lepas tu, apa lagy, gerak la kan. Pe barang gi mall. Kena la exercise sket. Gi A`Famosa, Bangunan Merah Stadhuy`s. Err. Sorry if there`s a spelling error okay? Hehe.
Imazara Hapiz likes this !
Takder hal lah der,
Vanekam ! Eh silap. tu berita TV1. hehe :P
Saje je nak update blog. Macam dah lama sangat jek tak update kan? Kesian betul blog ni. Selalu di-anak tiri-kan. Eh jap. kene jarakkan or dekatkan eh? Betul la tu kot. haha. Loser giler aku ni. Biler ntah nak gi tuisyen subjek BM :p Sebenarnya banyak giler cerita nak dikongsikan bersama. Cewah. Ingat macam Hanis Zalikha ke apa. kalau dia takpe la jugak. Dahla lawa, model pulak tu. Ramping ! Ok ok. Back to the story. Hehe. Tapi tula. macam tak sempat jek kalau nak cerita satu persatu. Alaa, i bz la. u ni.. *buat nada gedik tau korang*. Haha.
Perasan tak aku dah lama tak upload gambar. Perasan tak perasan tak? Alaa. Aku je perasan sorang-sorang ke? Ahh. Sungguh tak peduli okay :P Aku dah lama tak upload gambar sebab aku tak jumpa cable USB fon aku laaaa PLUS lappy aku kan rosak aritu. ni dah repair dah. Sayang baby ! (: Jangan sakit-sakit mintak gi hospital lagy ye? Kang aku karate free kat kau kang :D
Kali ni nak upload photo banyak-banyak. Tak kira tak kira. Nak jugak nak jugak :P Ok we will see. Gambar apa yang aku nak upload eh? Hurmmm..
Pikir cepat pikir cepat.
Ok ok. Jum belek lappy. Mana tahu dapat ilham. Zassssssssssssss !
Dan pemenangnya adalaaaaahh..
Hahaha :D
Dah. Tak payah nak gelak sangat lah kan. Mula-mula taknak tengok cerita tu jugak. Takut rugi jek. But Hey ! Magika ni boleh tahan jugakla. Credit to KRU `coz they have successfully made up a new story that i think it is a higher level compared to Malay Muvees before kan?
So lepas kitorang habis buat wayang. Eh silap. Lepas habis tengok Magika, kitorang pi melantak sat. Haaa. Ni lah satu-satunya masalah yang kitorang selalu sangat kami alami. Masa nak decide nak makan apa jek, mesti kitorang konflik dalaman ! hahhaa :D Serious ke tak serious wa tanya lu skang? Susah tau nak pikir. Yela. Nak western ke. Nak makan nasi ke. Nak sushi ke. Nak fast food ke. Kan? Kan? Susah kan nak pikir? Haha. Tu pasal kitorang selalu hadapi dengan masalah ni. Paling kitorang avoid is fast food lah. Fast food ni bagy kitorang, EF la. EF= Emergency Food ! Ahaha. Akan dicari pabila terdesak sahaja !
Last-last. Kitorang makan Kenny Rogers je. Rasanya kalau Kenny tu ada depan mata, dia tak bagy kitorang masuk kot? Haha. sebab asyik muka kitorang jek makan Kenny. Sampai dia pon naik muak tengok muka kitorang ni :D
Ok. Gambar makan-makan takde. Tak cukup kakitangan nak snap-snap.
Ada keja kosong. Nak ke? Hantar resume ye.
Ima: 'Kau nak beli kasut ni untuk jalan-jalan or gi class?'
Sya balek: 'Hurmm.. Aku pun tak tahu. Tapi cantek. Sale pulak tu. Kau rasa macam mana ima?'
Hahaahaha. Tengok tengok. Hebat ke tak hebat konflik dia? :D Aku kalau dengar je ayat pertama dia, aku dah senyum sorang-sorang. Wakakaka.
Bagy aku, IF nak beli barang ni, senang je. Kau ada duit? IF ada. Proceed next step. Tanya diri sendiri. Perlu sangat ke tak? Rasanya mati tak if tak beli? Ok. Kalau rasanya macam nak nyawa-nyawa ikan IF TAK BELI, then better korang beli jela. Kang kempunan pulak kan? hehe. Senang tak senang tak? Wah. Cik Ima kongsi tips ni. Kemajuan !
Ala beb. Orang yang tengah taip ni pon sama dengan jek kadang-kadang.
Papehal pon. Pikir baik baik ye.
Bai ! :D
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Andai kau mengerti..
Alhamdulillah. Syukur kepada Allah SWT. Masih bernyawa aku hari ini. Masih dapat mengirup udara di bandar melaka. Masih dapat melihat dunia yang terbentang.
Pagi tadi uruskan yuran pendaftaran. Penat aku korek-korek duit. Manalah tahu bole top-up sikit duit mak ayah bagi. Cakap yuran RM400. Padahal lebih. Takpe. Yang lebih tu guna duit sendiri dulu. Dah pokai sangat baru pandai-pandai cari backp-up. Hehe :P
So, tadi pegy Bank Islam dengan adek laki aku yang daus tu. Punyalah payah nak kejut dia. Rasa macam nak simbah air jek kat katil dia. Geram. Ceh. Padahal aku ni pon sama dengan jek! :D Alhamdulillah. urusan bayaran tadi sekejap sangat-sangat. Syukur. Masa nak balek tu, bole pulak keta kena block oleh keta lain. Siot je. Perempuan tu main tinggal jek anak dia dalam keta wei. Tahulah dia park keta betul-betul ngadap bank kan. It`s ok. hope she learnt her lesson. Dah sampai umah, aku nak buat online registeration, tup tup aku salah bagy nombor bank slip tu. Bebal tak bebal? Haha. sengal tol. Benda senang, dah jadi susah. Nampak tak? Tula ima. Lain kali tenangkan fikiran tu. Jangan nak buat keja masa fikiran serabut-serabut. Kan dah susah. Takpe. I will bear that in my mind. hehe.
Aku dikejutkan dengan sumthing. Aku nak online registeration utk adek aku. Biler aku masuk portal dia, it statedd that he got below that 2.0 (pointer). Ya Allah ! Gler rendah. Biar betul adek aku ni? Baru first sem kott. Haish. Can`t say more than regretness to him. Aku tak rela nak tengok reaksi mak aku masa tu. Aku yang tengok sendiri pon rasa nak menitis air mata tau. ' Wahai adek, kau pikirla sendiri eh. Jasa mak ayah jangan kau lupa. Ringankanlah beban keluarga dan tolonglah jangan ditambahkan lagy. Aku mohon !'
Aku tekad aku nak cari kerja cepat-cepat. Aku nak ringankan beban dorang. Ima, tolonglah naikkan pointer kau. Dapatkanlah keja baik-baik. Balaslah jasa mak ayah kau yang dah banyak berkorban demi anak-anak. 'Mak ayah, I love you so much. I know that u have worked very hard to make a living for us. I will try my best to make you proud :'( '
To you: I know that u felt frustrated with my decision. I`m so sorry. I have my own reason. I hope you would know how i felt. But i guess, i keep it as a secret. Takpe. I don`t blame you if you blame me for everything or even get mad at me. I accept it. I hope you can be happy with your life. Do make your life happier than before. I bahagia if you bahagia. Sorry i cannot give you special gifts like what you gave me. Kalaulah i mampu utk semua itu... Tapi apakan daya, i tak mampu. This is the best way anyway. Hope you can find someone that can take care of you, that can give love to you more than i can. My life is really upside down right now. I hope u jaga kesihatan u. Jaga mak u. Ingat pesan i. Take care.
Monday, November 15, 2010
Special entry to you. Yes ! YOU.
Aku tengah panas ni. sangat-sangatlah panas. bukan sebab dek cuaca kat melaka ni. helo, melaka sekarang musim hujan okay. nak tahu asal aku panas sangat? Sebab aku tengah berasap giler dengan kau tahu tak? Aku tak tahula kau ni manusia berperasaan ke tak eh. Kau tak payahla pura-pura nak tanya aku, aku tujukan ni kat sape. You have done something that really really hurt my heart. bukan setakat saketkan hati aku. You even tore them with knife ! Aku betul-betul tak faham. Aku rasa kita kenal dah cukup lama. Macam ni kau buat kat aku? Sampai hati kau kan? Alhamdulillah. Ya Allah, kau ampunkanlah dosa-dosa aku. Sesungguhnya Kau Maha Mengetahui apa yang terjadi. Sejak kebelakangan ni. macam-macam yang terjadi kat diri aku. Aku nak listkan pon tak bole. banyak sangat. I`m sooooooo down. I can`t even stand or even breathe for a while. Kenapa semua ni terjadi kat aku? Kenapa aku jugak? Ya Allah, kau tunjukkanlah hikmahnyaa :'( Aku sangat-sangat tak sangka kau lah orangnya yang dah buat aku kecewa. Terima kasih sebab dah buat aku menangis hari ini. Kau tak boleh tengok orang lebih baik dari kau kan? Takpe. Allah Maha Adil. Aku terima segala cubaan dan ujianNya. I`m still shock after what had happened. Macam ni kau buat kat aku kan? Jangan risau. Aku takkan balas apa yang kau buat. Aku akan bangkit setelah macam-macam perkara jadi kat aku. Aku akan tunjukkan kat kau yang aku masih mampu berdiri dengan sendiri. Terima kasihla kawan. Kau dah makan daging saudara Islam kau sendiri.
p/s: This entry is restricted to SOMEONE only. If you have done nothing wrong, i`m very pleased to hear that. If YOU are the one. Come on la eh. Kau ada akal fikiran, kau gunakanlah dengan sebaiknya. Bole pikir baik buruk kan? If tak bole jugak, quitla belajar. Buat penat jek belajar tinggi-tinggi :P OPPPPSSS!
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Saje je.
Hey it`s thursday ! So as usual. I got nothing to do. Just tidy the hall, the front door and kitchen. What ? My room? Ohh yea Forgot `bout that act. haha. Tapela. I tidy them tomorrow okay? :D Nilah keje aku if balek melaka. Benda ni memang tak pernah nak terlepas lah. Job full time ni tau dak? Hehe.
Just wanna share some stories. That`s all. So, i did some reviewed on my school which I`ll be going for my prac on Jan `11. Kejam tak? Umur tak complete 21thn lagy dah kena hantar jadi cikgu prac. Wuwuwu. I`m soooooo not ready for that okay. Dulu masa sekolah, kita jadi murid. Ni datang sekolah, kita yang jadi cikgu. It`s awkward tau. Damn awkward ! Can`t believe that thing is gonna happen. I went to that place. Oh oh. Forgot to tell you. That place is Kuala Kubu Baru. Tarraaaaaaa.. Tunjuk lah macam surprise sket. Konon-konon best giler. Barulah aku nak pegy pon semangat sket ye tak? (Ok. Bajet giler :P )
I googled about that place, the school and area nearby. And i found that Bukit Fraser is just nearby ! Weeheee. Ok. I admit. I never been there. Ok Fine. Laugh it up. Haha :P It`s not like bole jalan kaki or what. But it`s near like 30-40km jugakla. Dekatla if nak dibandingkan dengan Melaka-Bukit Fraser or Batang Berjuntai- Bukit Fraser kan? Have a look at this nice place peep !
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Business VS BUSYness.
Jam menunjukkan pukul 12:16pm ye sekarang. Hee.
Ohh lamanya aku tinggalkan blog aku ni. Rindu sangat-sangat kat blog ni. Sorry ye kawan-kawan. Dah berdebu berhabuk dah blog aku ni. Haish. It`s all because of my business. Oh not that business- thingy, i meant was BUSYness. Bahaha :D Confusing huh? Ok ok. So, a very warm welcomed from me to all of you. Sorry for the M.I.A guys ! Been busy for quite a time. Hope u still read my blog, so goes to me here. I will keep on rocking your world with my `lil writing here. Hope that we can support each other (Apa yang aku bebel ni sebenarnya? :D)
I have read through my blog and all the previous entries to make me realise how long i`ve been missing. And my last entry was about the I-City. I went there when it was the Merdeka Eve. Wau ! Serious baru perasan yang dah lama giler tak update blog. Haha. Setelah ditambah, ditolak, dibahagi dan didarab, total semua is about 2months rite? (Betul tak aku kira? Betul lah kan? Ala kalau salah tu, korang anggap jela lebey kurang yek. Bahaha :P )
Kalau nak diikutkan hati, semua bende aku nak update kat sini tau. Tapi takpe, we let the time decide. If aku dapat belek gambar2 meronggeng aku, aku upload keyh? Sayang korang !
Oh oh. Did i already mentioned to u about what happen to my baby? No. Not that baby. I mean my lappy. It cannot turned on. Not even the window ! (Bukan setakat tingkap, pintu pun dah tak bole bukak. :D ) The Window 7 itself wouldn`t work. Sakitnya hati Tuhan jela tahu. Aku baru je repair laptop and format segalanya. Baby aku tu dah habes suci dah. Ni makin teruk. Siap tak bole on lagy. Aduhh, berasap tol aku lahh. Haish.
Cool ima cool. Nanti kita bawak lappy pegy jumpa doctor okay?
Ohh guys, you wait fer the next entry tau. I try to make it interesting as possible. Cewah. Bajet. Hahaha :D
See you later dude. I mean. Wasalam. Tamat sudah entri ana. Ente baca dengan nada macam arab lah. Lain kali mari datang sini lagy lah. Babai lahhh. Haha :D
Friday, September 10, 2010
From me with lurve,
So that day, i went to berbuka puasa with si dia and my sis, fygajah. I fetch adek first at Ktm Sg buloh then heading straight to Monorail Titiwangsa to fetch him. We decided to break our fast at Wangsa Walk Mall. It`s because i thought that KL will be packed with people. `Coz that day is the 30th August. They have some celebation there at the Dataran Merdeka. Memang nak elak tempat tu ! Huhu. The traffic jam was worse. Crap !
We had our berbuka there at Bangi Kopitiam. Jalan keluar sket dari WWM tu. Mujur tempat ada yang masih kosong. Kalau taaaaaaaaaaaaaaakk, mula la aku nak buat sawan aku. Ngeeeeee :P After berbuka, kitorang jalan-jalan kat WWM and ushalah baju raya. Time tu si dia pon tak beli lagy. Tu yang dok tengok-tengok. Manalah tahu ada yang berkenan dihati. At the end, semua hampa. T___T
Lepas tu kitorang pegylah Alpha Angle. Try tengok lagy. Tapy takde apa yang menarik lah. Kitorang jalan-jalan kat situ buat bakar lemak je. Kitorang memang suka jalan-jalan takde arah tuju ni kaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan. Dush ! Sabau ima, sabau. Bulan ramadhan masa tuuu. Ceh.
B, u tengok. Cidot u tak amek skali. Gi mintak maaf kat cidot. Ngee :P
I na sorok belakang you eh. Tadela nampak perut i yang bunchet tu. :P
Eh. Bunyi gajah gitu yea? Dush!
That`s all for now. Lurve you people !
Thursday, September 09, 2010
Wishing you Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri.

Dikesempatan ini, saya menghulurkan sepuluh jari tanda kemaafan jika ada tersilap kata, terlanjur bicara sejak kita berkenalan. Andai ada terkutuk, terhina, mohon maaf dipinta mungkin tidak sengaja. Andai ada hutang piutang, izin halalkan.
Aku nak wish SELAMAT HARI RAYA AIDILFITRI, MAAF ZAHIR & BATIN kepada semua yang mengenali diri ini. Hope korang bergembira menyambut hari lebaran. Kumpul duit raya banyak-banyak. haha :P Jangan main mercun, nnt putus jari la, tangan la, kang nak makan nasi impit susah pulak ! Berhati-hati kepada pemandu-pemandu yang mahu ke kampung halaman. Kepada yang takde kampung or kampung dekat sebelah umah je, semoga bergembira lah jugak. If tade benda nak buat, melantak lah sampai bolat yek ! Haha.
Hepy Eid everyone.
Luv youu.
Saturday, August 28, 2010
It went through my mind and I made it all out.
Work like you don't need the money, love like you've never been hurt and dance like no one is watching.
Dream what you want to dream, go where you want to go,be what you want to be. Because you have only one life andone chance to do all the things you want to do.
Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift. That's why it's called the present.
Don't take life too serious. You'll never escape it alive anyway.
Laugh alot.A good sense of humor cures almost all of life's ills.
When my heart is only for you ♥♥♥
Apa khabar semua? Ececeyy, ayat nak macam hos talkshow je kan kau ima? Haha. So as you can see my title there. Auuuuuww. so sweet (: Tade pape lah. Semalam bukak puasa dengan si dia kat KLCC. Kami ni memang kaki KLCC sket. Haha. Even kami tahu memang akan ada lautan orang, kami tetap nak pegy sana jugak. Degil kan kami? Hehe. Tapy pegy sana syok ohh. Bole cuci mata. Bole window shopping. Yelah. Nak beli, tak mampu ye tak? Nak masuk butik LV, COACH lagy la tak layak. so tengok jela dari luar kedai T___T Sob. Sob. Masuk jela kedai kedai yang ada orang alu-alukan. <---- Gila ayat emo doe. haha :P
So, semalam aku tunggu the bf balek dari keja. Aku sampai awal sket dari dia. sebab aku tak sanggup nak berpeluk dengan manusia-manusia dalam public transport. Haha. If after office hour, you know how it will be rite? Akan berhimpit dengan tidak orang dikenali. Ok. Tak suka. Sementara aku tunggu dia tu, aku lepak kat Kinokuniya. Apa lagy, bantai baca novel la. I grab one of the novels there and read it. Duk sebelah anak mat saleh. Kalau ada paparazzi snap gambar kami kan syok. Gila meroyan aku sebab excited nanti. Haha. I like taking pictures with the matsaleh hensem. Rasa macam dapat tangkap gambar sebelah Ben Affleck. Hensem kan kan? :D Ok. Dah merepek. Tengah sedap membaca, he texted me 'Dah sampai. Na jumpa kat mana?' Aku pun turunla. Kitorang jumpa kat dean Vincci. And guess what? He bought a beautiful bag fer meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee <----- Yeayyy ! Senyum lebar dah macam kambeng dah masa tu. Bahaahaahha :D :D Suka !
After that, we went to the foodcourt and grab the seats. Giler ramai orang. Seat penuh baii. Mujur kami dapat seat. Kalau tak, aku suruh orang yang tak puasa tu bangun. Haha. jahat tak jahat tak? :P Dah lepas order. Tengah nak tunggu masa nak balun makan sampai bulat tu, tetibe ku terlihat makhluk tuhan paling seksi. Eh silap. Tetibe aku ternampak adek aku. Haa kantoi ! Kau merayap sampai KLCC eh. Aku tibai kau kang. <---- Ceh padahal akak dia pon sama. Lebih lebih pulak. Tibai diri sendiri kang. HAHA :D
Apa lagy, buat la family gath jap kat situ. Ajak dia makan sekali. Kitorang makan 3 orang. Kami dua bradek pau si dia supaya belanja kami makan. Weeeee ~ Mekaseh B (: Dah habes sesi licinkan pinggan, Yukk ke taman KLCC yang cantek itu. Jum jum. Jum sama-sama jadikan diri seperti pelancong-pelancong asing. Snap pics here, there & everywhere. Seronok ohh. Aku paksa adek aku jadi fotographer of the day. Jahat tak jahat tak? Wuwuuwwu. Kejam dengan adek je takpe :P
Itulah. Seronok. Berbulan tak jumpa. Amek kau. Sekali jumpa terus balun macam-macam. Kesian dia dapat gf macam aku ni. Suka je ngidam macam-macam. Haha. Heart you b ♥
p/s: Gambar tengah tunggu dari dia. later upload. Bai !
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Halusinasi sebentar.
Mana apis pegy? Dah lama sangat tak jumpa. Rindu nak borak dengan apis. Dulu tiap-tiap hari kita jumpa,borak sama-sama kan? Dari sebelum ima masuk unisel lagy. Ni sampai sekarang tak dapat roger apis. Dengar kata, apis dah dapat keje gov. Tu pun mak apis yang bagitau. Mujurlah aritu terserempak dengan apis. Ingat dah tak kenal ima dah. Kalau tak kenal jugak, kecik hati ima. Berbulan-bulan ngadap keja sama-sama, alih-alih tak kenal. tapi mujur tak jadi macam tu. Apis dah botak. Hensem siootttt. Haha. Dulu rambut panjang belah tengah. Sekarang dah botak. Tapy tetap tinggi melampai. Hehe. Hope dapat jumpa apis. Nak borak panjang ! (:
Dah habis mengomel sendirian. Perasaan masih terkejut. 4 tahun tak jumpa, alih-alih depan mata. Mana tak terkejut kan?
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Kelewatan ketiduran kestadian kebajetan :P
Monday, August 16, 2010
You fix me to fit you.

Sunday, August 15, 2010
Ramadhan Al-Mubarak
Saturday, July 24, 2010
If I can fly, I will fly to the sky and let you see the best that i can try
Saturday, July 10, 2010
Save the Best for the Last
Friday, July 09, 2010
pleased to.
= the girl next door. it`s actually express sumthing from an ordinary gurl. not famous. not beautiful n what she only has is her soul, feelings and people whom she loved to be with. *auuwww* bajet bajet cam adorable la tu. :P
2. Apakah link blog anda sekarang dan bagaimana boleh timbul idea untuk menamakannya seperti itu? idea ni sbb rasa macam simple and tak pernah ada orang guna lagy. so why not kan?
3. Apakah method penulisan dalam blog anda?
= method? wah. macam kajian analisa blog pulak. hehe. emm. it`s kinda journal. daily journal. if takde orang nak dengar luahan hati saya ni, saya luah la kat sini. if ada sumthing special to tell, repot je kat blog,senang ! (:
4. Pernah terasa nak hapuskan blog anda? Sebabnya?
= YES YES YES. becoz dulu rasa buruuuuuuukkkkk sgt. hehe.
5. Pernah tak ahli keluarga anda membaca blog anda dan apa kata mereka?
= i guess yes. but they read it without letting me know. ala stalker lah katakan :P
6. Apakah perasaan anda apabila orang lain mengatakan bahawa anda punya blog ini buruk sedangkan masih ada yang mengatakan blog anda cantik?
= rasa macam nak bagy tumbukan padu kat perut die la kan. suke suke je nak kutuk blog orang lain. *emo* hehe. but when i think back, people have different perspective, so try to improve from time to time (:
7. Bilakah anda mula mempunyai blog?
= erm. early last year i guess? lupe la. hehe.
8. Siapakah orang pertama yang mengetahui anda mempunyai blog?
= i can`t recall. but i think, syidot is the 1st person if i`m not mistaken.
9. Apa perasaan anda apabila orang mengatakan tentang blog anda di sekolah/universiti/tempat kerja?
= if it`s sumthing nice, i`ll be soooooo hepy (: if not, i try to improve myself.
10. 10 orang untuk di-tag
= syidot
= belle
= yanyan
= ieyra
= ain ransom
= faten amira
= lovely emy
= zharul
= anyone? u`re pleased to do so. TQVM.
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Do I Really Have To Go?
Jam menunjukkan pukul 11:15pm hari sabtu 26haribulan jun TwentyTen. Ini bermaksud aku sebenarnya tak boleh berada depan lappy memandangkan barang belum habis kemas. Asal la aku takde hati nak kemas barang. Setengah barang dah kemas last week. Giler cepat kan? Tula pasal. Sebab time tu mood aku giler excited. Tapi hari ni tak macam hari tu pulak. Takpe. Aku akan gigihkan diri sekejap lagy. Aku kena kemas barang-barang aku n barang-barang adek aku si Daus tu sekali. Sebab esok nak kena pegy jemput tan sri tu dulu kat Wisma MAIS sebelum culik dia ke rumah sewa aku kat Batang Berjuntai tu. Seksi kan nama tempat tu? I LOIKE. haha :D
Pesanan saya,
Nanti korang rindula kat saya selalu ye. Wink ! Keep blogging. Nanti saya baca blog korang yang comel tu ye (: Sapa-sapa yang sudi lawat blog saya ni, tinggalkanlah link. bole saya follow bila saya online nanti ye. Kata kata terakhir saya, Problems won`t leave us neither do ourselves. Just keep on smiling and face them with confident. Believe in faith and don`t forget to pray a lot. InsyaAllah the hikmah will appear soon. Assalamualaikum.
Imazara Hapiz