Hai. Asal aku macam takde semangat je ni? Hurmm. Yela. Esok nak balek campus dah. Kadang-kadang rasa nak sangat duk umah lama-lama. Tapi kadang-kadang rasa bosan pulak. Tula namanya manusia kan? Tapi, itu juga dinamakan realiti. Kalau ikutkan hati, nak je duk umah tak payah belajar. Tapi tu hanyalah dunia fantasi aku. Realitinya, aku tetap kena habiskan study aku yang berbaki 3 sem je lagy. Come on ima, you can do it ! Macam tula setiap kali aku patah semangat. Mesti ada suara dalam diri ni yang menjerit-jerit suruh keep on moving forward rather than just give up. Bagus perasaan ni.
Jam menunjukkan pukul 11:15pm hari sabtu 26haribulan jun TwentyTen. Ini bermaksud aku sebenarnya tak boleh berada depan lappy memandangkan barang belum habis kemas. Asal la aku takde hati nak kemas barang. Setengah barang dah kemas last week. Giler cepat kan? Tula pasal. Sebab time tu mood aku giler excited. Tapi hari ni tak macam hari tu pulak. Takpe. Aku akan gigihkan diri sekejap lagy. Aku kena kemas barang-barang aku n barang-barang adek aku si Daus tu sekali. Sebab esok nak kena pegy jemput tan sri tu dulu kat Wisma MAIS sebelum culik dia ke rumah sewa aku kat Batang Berjuntai tu. Seksi kan nama tempat tu? I LOIKE. haha :D
Pesanan saya,
Nanti korang rindula kat saya selalu ye. Wink ! Keep blogging. Nanti saya baca blog korang yang comel tu ye (: Sapa-sapa yang sudi lawat blog saya ni, tinggalkanlah link. bole saya follow bila saya online nanti ye. Kata kata terakhir saya, Problems won`t leave us neither do ourselves. Just keep on smiling and face them with confident. Believe in faith and don`t forget to pray a lot. InsyaAllah the hikmah will appear soon. Assalamualaikum.
Imazara Hapiz
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Friday, June 25, 2010
Lawak !
I came across of these hilarious Malay proverb and all of them made me laughed berguling-guling you know. Why don`t you try and have a look at them yeah. Have fun ! :D
1. Terlajak perahu boleh diundur, terlajak kereta pun boleh undur, terlajak kapal terbang takde gear reverse, sori.
2. Bersatu kita teguh, bercerai kita kahwin lain.
3. Sudahlah jatuh ditimpa pula tangga lepas tu tercium pulak tahi ayam.
4. Alang-alang mandi biar guna sabun & syampu.
5. Harimau mati meninggalkan belang, isteri mati meninggalkan gelang, suami mati meninggalkan hutang. (Itulah...lain kali jangan suruh suami beli gelang secara hutang)
6. Sebab mulut santan binasa sebab mulut juga... nasi pun habis.
7. Biar putih tulang jangan kuning gigi (gosok, jangan tak gosok tau)
8. Kalau tiada angin masakan pokok bergoyang kecuali kalau ada beruk atas pokok tu.
9. Malang tak berbau tapi kentut boleh berbau walaupun tak berbunyi.
10. Biar mati bini jangan mati anak (boleh kahwin lagi ape)
11. Alang-alang menyeluk perkasam biar sampai kepangkal ketiak.
12. Biar korek hidung jangan korek tabung.
13. Berakit-rakit kehulu, berenang-renang ketepian lama-lama jadi letih.
14. Sayangkan anak tangan-tangankan sayangkan isteri kahwin lagi satu.
15. Kalau padi katakan padi, tidak aku ternanti-nanti, kalau sudi katakan sudi, kalau tak sudi.....boleh blah.......
16. Harapkan pagar, pagar pun tak boleh harap.
17. Tempat jatuh lagikan dikenang inikan pula tempat kena saman.
18. Hujan emas dinegeri orang, hujan batu dinegeri sendiri, kalau macam tu lebih baik tak payah hujan.
19. Biar lambat asalkan perlahan.
20. Kalau tiada rotan, pelempang ajelah....
21. Habis madu, sepah jangan dibuang merata-rata.
22. Carik-carik bulu ayam lama-lama jadi bulu tangkis badminton, pasti ayam kebogelan.
23. Air dicincang takkan putus tapi kalau daging dicincang tandanya ada kenduri
24. Kerbau berpegang pada tali, manusia berpegang gunakan tangan....
25. Pinggan tak retak nasi tak dingin, kalau orang tak hendak tandanya kita tak lawa.
26. Takkan lari gunung dikejar, tapi kalau tak kejar pun gunung tu takkan lari jugak.
27. Patah tumbuh, hilang report polis.
28. Berapa berat mata memandang, berat lagi ahli sukan yang masuk acara angkat berat.
29. Sepandai-pandai tupai melompat akhirnya tak masuk Sukan Olimpik jugak.
30. Kalau ada jarum yang patah jangan disimpan di dalam peti, buang aje beli jarum yang baru.
31. Kalau ada sumur diladang, boleh hamba menumpang mandi, kalau ada umur yang panjang, bolehlah kita kahwin lari.......(nak tak?)
32. Kajang Pak Malau Kajang berlipat, Kajang hamba makan satay Kajang lagi best......
33. Kalau kail panjang sejengkal, belilah kail yang panjang sikit.
34. Kalau takut dilambung ombak janganlah berumah ditepi pantai, buat rumah jauh-jauh sikit dari pantai la ..
35. Pecah kaca pecah gelas, kalau dah pecah tu tak reti-reti nak ganti ke...
p/s: It`s sooooo hilarious ! Hahaha :D I laughed at them for a about 5 minutes non stop i guess? Hahaaha :D :D
1. Terlajak perahu boleh diundur, terlajak kereta pun boleh undur, terlajak kapal terbang takde gear reverse, sori.
2. Bersatu kita teguh, bercerai kita kahwin lain.
3. Sudahlah jatuh ditimpa pula tangga lepas tu tercium pulak tahi ayam.
4. Alang-alang mandi biar guna sabun & syampu.
5. Harimau mati meninggalkan belang, isteri mati meninggalkan gelang, suami mati meninggalkan hutang. (Itulah...lain kali jangan suruh suami beli gelang secara hutang)
6. Sebab mulut santan binasa sebab mulut juga... nasi pun habis.
7. Biar putih tulang jangan kuning gigi (gosok, jangan tak gosok tau)
8. Kalau tiada angin masakan pokok bergoyang kecuali kalau ada beruk atas pokok tu.
9. Malang tak berbau tapi kentut boleh berbau walaupun tak berbunyi.
10. Biar mati bini jangan mati anak (boleh kahwin lagi ape)
11. Alang-alang menyeluk perkasam biar sampai kepangkal ketiak.
12. Biar korek hidung jangan korek tabung.
13. Berakit-rakit kehulu, berenang-renang ketepian lama-lama jadi letih.
14. Sayangkan anak tangan-tangankan sayangkan isteri kahwin lagi satu.
15. Kalau padi katakan padi, tidak aku ternanti-nanti, kalau sudi katakan sudi, kalau tak sudi.....boleh blah.......
16. Harapkan pagar, pagar pun tak boleh harap.
17. Tempat jatuh lagikan dikenang inikan pula tempat kena saman.
18. Hujan emas dinegeri orang, hujan batu dinegeri sendiri, kalau macam tu lebih baik tak payah hujan.
19. Biar lambat asalkan perlahan.
20. Kalau tiada rotan, pelempang ajelah....
21. Habis madu, sepah jangan dibuang merata-rata.
22. Carik-carik bulu ayam lama-lama jadi bulu tangkis badminton, pasti ayam kebogelan.
23. Air dicincang takkan putus tapi kalau daging dicincang tandanya ada kenduri
24. Kerbau berpegang pada tali, manusia berpegang gunakan tangan....
25. Pinggan tak retak nasi tak dingin, kalau orang tak hendak tandanya kita tak lawa.
26. Takkan lari gunung dikejar, tapi kalau tak kejar pun gunung tu takkan lari jugak.
27. Patah tumbuh, hilang report polis.
28. Berapa berat mata memandang, berat lagi ahli sukan yang masuk acara angkat berat.
29. Sepandai-pandai tupai melompat akhirnya tak masuk Sukan Olimpik jugak.
30. Kalau ada jarum yang patah jangan disimpan di dalam peti, buang aje beli jarum yang baru.
31. Kalau ada sumur diladang, boleh hamba menumpang mandi, kalau ada umur yang panjang, bolehlah kita kahwin lari.......(nak tak?)
32. Kajang Pak Malau Kajang berlipat, Kajang hamba makan satay Kajang lagi best......
33. Kalau kail panjang sejengkal, belilah kail yang panjang sikit.
34. Kalau takut dilambung ombak janganlah berumah ditepi pantai, buat rumah jauh-jauh sikit dari pantai la ..
35. Pecah kaca pecah gelas, kalau dah pecah tu tak reti-reti nak ganti ke...
p/s: It`s sooooo hilarious ! Hahaha :D I laughed at them for a about 5 minutes non stop i guess? Hahaaha :D :D
Monday, June 21, 2010
A day with them.
Yesterday. Sunday June, 20th 2010. My form 4 & 5 classmates met up at Dataran Pahlawan and Mahkota Parade, Malacca. We hang out together as we haven`t met for about 2-3 years i guess. At least we already keep on updating, where they live, what have they been doing and so on. We exchanged phone number just to keep in touch besides facebook-ing. Hehe. So yesterday, all of us met in front of the Starbucks, where it has a beautiful pond i guess? Hehe. They carved on all the precious moments at the wall of that pond itself. If you can`t imagine that, just have a look at my pics later on keyh (: After that, we headed to the foodcourt to have our lunch because after that we wanna have some entertainment which was boooooooooooooooooowling time ! Teeheee :') *Lama jugak tak membaling2 ni kan. Tu yang gatal2 nak main bowling :p * And guess what? I`m the one who threw at the longkang each and every time when it` s my turn to throw. * siot kan? CIS ! * ahaha. But the thing was, we spend our quality time together. We laughed, we had fun and joy and we cherish each and every moment. Love you lah kawan ! (:

pilih bola macam hebat sangat main ! GRRR
p/s: nanti kita hang out sama2 lagy tau !
Imazara Hapiz.
Imazara Hapiz.
Friday, June 18, 2010
Dehearty-Permata yang dicari.
Hadirnya tanpa kusedari
Menggamit kasih cinta bersemi
Hadir cinta insan padaku ini
Anugerah kurniaan Ilahi
Lembut tutur bicaranya
Menarik hatiku untuk mendekatinya
Kesopanannya memikat di hati
Mendamaikan jiwaku yang resah ini
Ya Allah
Jika dia benar untukku
Dekatkanlah hatinya dengan hatiku
Jika dia bukan milikku
Damaikanlah hatiku
Dengan ketentuan-Mu
Dialah permata yang dicari
Selama ini baru kutemui
Tapi ku tak pasti rencana Ilahi
Apakah dia kan kumiliki
Tidak sekali dinodai nafsu
Akan kubatasi dengan syariat-Mu
Jika dirinya bukan untukku
Redha hatiku dengan ketentuan-Mu
Ya Allah
Engkaulah tempat kubergantung harapanku
Kuharap diriku sentiasa di bawah rahmat-Mu
p/s: Amin Ya Rabbal Alaminn
Menggamit kasih cinta bersemi
Hadir cinta insan padaku ini
Anugerah kurniaan Ilahi
Lembut tutur bicaranya
Menarik hatiku untuk mendekatinya
Kesopanannya memikat di hati
Mendamaikan jiwaku yang resah ini
Ya Allah
Jika dia benar untukku
Dekatkanlah hatinya dengan hatiku
Jika dia bukan milikku
Damaikanlah hatiku
Dengan ketentuan-Mu
Dialah permata yang dicari
Selama ini baru kutemui
Tapi ku tak pasti rencana Ilahi
Apakah dia kan kumiliki
Tidak sekali dinodai nafsu
Akan kubatasi dengan syariat-Mu
Jika dirinya bukan untukku
Redha hatiku dengan ketentuan-Mu
Ya Allah
Engkaulah tempat kubergantung harapanku
Kuharap diriku sentiasa di bawah rahmat-Mu
p/s: Amin Ya Rabbal Alaminn
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Hepy Anniversary Sayang.
psstt: Hadiah utk i? :P
Hepy Anniversary Sayang.
psstt: Hadiah utk i? :P
Few days back,
Hey guys ! (: There are tonessssssssssss of stories to tell but we`ll see if i can recall back yup. Teehee :')
That day i went to my friend`s house. I lepak there from the noon `til evening. I got too bored and i don`t know what to do. That`s why i decided to drop by to her house. hehe. She made me a coffee and have a nice chit chat. The story was, her house is soo nice. Siap ada garden and tempat nak lepak lepak minum bawah pepohon pokok kau ! Haha. Tadela. Sebenarnya aku je bikin cter gempak sebab aku dah boring sangat. Duh~ haha. so here`s the view. Nice one babe. Love ya~
Yesterday was one of the totally very most important day ever ever and never ever lah ! jangan terpedaya dengan imbuhan imbuhan yang berlebihan tu ye. Budak ni bila cter nak gempak je lebey. Jangan layan sangat. Haha :P Actually, i asked my friend to teach on how to make muffin or sort of cupcake. She said, 'Yes ofcoz. Why not?' So, i picked her up at her house and went for a shopping ! Haha. Sebenarnya shopping kat kedai runcit je. Heeeeee :D That shop is only for baking stuff ! Baru aku tahu. lepas ni nak sebarkan thisn info to my mum. mesti dia excited ! (: So we captured this beautiful moment and here we go..
Last night, my family went to JJ Bandar Melaka to go for a shopping for my `lil bro. Yela. orang dah nak berangkat belajar, kenala sogok dengan barang2 baru. Tak gitu? :P He bought some collar t-shirts n slacks if i`m not mistaken. Hehe. Because at that time i was usha2 someone ehem ! I mean sumthing. Hoho :P And and and then, my `lil sis was like 'Alaaa, fara punya jam tak beli beli ponnnnnnn' Haha. pandai adek aku sorang lagy ni. Saje je dia bawak parent aku jalan tepi2 kedai jam. Cehh. At last, she managed to persuade my dad and have a new watch from Swatch. Siot je. *Ok. berbaur cemburu di situ ye :D

After that, we went for a dinner at a nice restaurant which was situated at tepi jalan. haha. Nasib baik ada skrin layar yang tengah tayang game Spain vs Swiss, kalau tak, sikit pon ayah aku tak pandang. Ciss ! Ngeh ngeh :P
Dah dah. cerita kedai kopi aku dah habes dah. Pop corn korang dah habes lom? If belum, gi sambung baca entry berikutnye pulak eh. Mekaseh. Sayang kau lebey ! :P
Imazara Hapiz
That day i went to my friend`s house. I lepak there from the noon `til evening. I got too bored and i don`t know what to do. That`s why i decided to drop by to her house. hehe. She made me a coffee and have a nice chit chat. The story was, her house is soo nice. Siap ada garden and tempat nak lepak lepak minum bawah pepohon pokok kau ! Haha. Tadela. Sebenarnya aku je bikin cter gempak sebab aku dah boring sangat. Duh~ haha. so here`s the view. Nice one babe. Love ya~
Yesterday was one of the totally very most important day ever ever and never ever lah ! jangan terpedaya dengan imbuhan imbuhan yang berlebihan tu ye. Budak ni bila cter nak gempak je lebey. Jangan layan sangat. Haha :P Actually, i asked my friend to teach on how to make muffin or sort of cupcake. She said, 'Yes ofcoz. Why not?' So, i picked her up at her house and went for a shopping ! Haha. Sebenarnya shopping kat kedai runcit je. Heeeeee :D That shop is only for baking stuff ! Baru aku tahu. lepas ni nak sebarkan thisn info to my mum. mesti dia excited ! (: So we captured this beautiful moment and here we go..
Last night, my family went to JJ Bandar Melaka to go for a shopping for my `lil bro. Yela. orang dah nak berangkat belajar, kenala sogok dengan barang2 baru. Tak gitu? :P He bought some collar t-shirts n slacks if i`m not mistaken. Hehe. Because at that time i was usha2 someone ehem ! I mean sumthing. Hoho :P And and and then, my `lil sis was like 'Alaaa, fara punya jam tak beli beli ponnnnnnn' Haha. pandai adek aku sorang lagy ni. Saje je dia bawak parent aku jalan tepi2 kedai jam. Cehh. At last, she managed to persuade my dad and have a new watch from Swatch. Siot je. *Ok. berbaur cemburu di situ ye :D
After that, we went for a dinner at a nice restaurant which was situated at tepi jalan. haha. Nasib baik ada skrin layar yang tengah tayang game Spain vs Swiss, kalau tak, sikit pon ayah aku tak pandang. Ciss ! Ngeh ngeh :P
Dah dah. cerita kedai kopi aku dah habes dah. Pop corn korang dah habes lom? If belum, gi sambung baca entry berikutnye pulak eh. Mekaseh. Sayang kau lebey ! :P
Imazara Hapiz
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Cerita Kedai Kopi :P
Hello sunday (:
Last friday, my family and i went to JB. My mum`s friend invited us to her daughter`s wedding. There were two invitation. One was at Bandar Baru Uda and another one is at Taman Gembira, near Kempas if i`m not mistaken. Both were on saturday. We got off after the officehour on that friday, after my dad was back from his office. At that time, the weather was like so-so. But then when we were at the highway, it was raining cats and dogs man ! * see the pictures below for more info :P The view was veryy blurr. Even me myself, i can`t see clearly. Pity my dad. We were so slow and others vehicle also. So we arrived Jb at about 9pm, after we stopped at Machap for a prayer and dinner. Then we dropped by Daus to his bff`s house for sleepover * He will laugh everytime i said that he has a BFF. He felt odd when a guy has BFF. Maybe he felt like a gay. Hahaha :D After dropped him by, we headed straight to the hotel, unpack our luggage and refresh ourselves before went out again to go to my kampung. We had a chitchat with mama (my auntie) and went back to our hotel. Ohh before that, my `lil sis complained that she was hungry. At that time was nearly 12am okay. So my mum was like.. 'Ohh okay. kita beli burger jela. boleh?' My sis nodded. It feels like awkward when a mum when leparking with her princesses at a burger stall while all the guyssssssssssss at that time were watching world cup. Yess. WORLD CUP. haha :D Semua pandang pelik ke arah kami. Well hello. kami tak layan world cup. kami just nak beli makanan okay! Haha. Off to sleep after that. Zzzzzz.
I slept after tired of eating :P at this time, my dad exchange position with my mum. Turn ayah pulak nak tido (;
p/s: My sem break is nearly over. I don`t want it to be over ;(
Imazara Hapiz
Last friday, my family and i went to JB. My mum`s friend invited us to her daughter`s wedding. There were two invitation. One was at Bandar Baru Uda and another one is at Taman Gembira, near Kempas if i`m not mistaken. Both were on saturday. We got off after the officehour on that friday, after my dad was back from his office. At that time, the weather was like so-so. But then when we were at the highway, it was raining cats and dogs man ! * see the pictures below for more info :P The view was veryy blurr. Even me myself, i can`t see clearly. Pity my dad. We were so slow and others vehicle also. So we arrived Jb at about 9pm, after we stopped at Machap for a prayer and dinner. Then we dropped by Daus to his bff`s house for sleepover * He will laugh everytime i said that he has a BFF. He felt odd when a guy has BFF. Maybe he felt like a gay. Hahaha :D After dropped him by, we headed straight to the hotel, unpack our luggage and refresh ourselves before went out again to go to my kampung. We had a chitchat with mama (my auntie) and went back to our hotel. Ohh before that, my `lil sis complained that she was hungry. At that time was nearly 12am okay. So my mum was like.. 'Ohh okay. kita beli burger jela. boleh?' My sis nodded. It feels like awkward when a mum when leparking with her princesses at a burger stall while all the guyssssssssssss at that time were watching world cup. Yess. WORLD CUP. haha :D Semua pandang pelik ke arah kami. Well hello. kami tak layan world cup. kami just nak beli makanan okay! Haha. Off to sleep after that. Zzzzzz.
That saturday morning, before heading to the wed`s house, we went to Pasir Gudang to look at our house that we rented to poly students. Just for a while. Tunjuk keprihatinan tuan rumah kepada penyewa :P After that, makaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan time. 2houses beybeh ! Things settled and went back to malacca. We had to rush back because my dad had to go to the Perasmian SUKMA at Stadium Hang Jebat. * Datangla melaka. Melaka bestt. haha. Tetibe jek promote Melaka :P
This is when we were at Larkin. There`s Pasar Tani there. My mum beli cendol. Dia terliur ! :P
p/s: My sem break is nearly over. I don`t want it to be over ;(
Imazara Hapiz
Friday, June 11, 2010
Countless entries for today !
Hey guys (: I don`t know how many entries that i`ve updated for today. haha :D I don`t know. I guess today is a boring day for me eventhough i went to Melaka River Cruise to have a ride. Went there with my parent, `lil sis, her friend n her sister. It`s about 45minutes ride. Nice to look at the view. And at that time, the Permaisuri Agong are there, having the ride. Yelah, permaisuri agong nak lalu kan, so kitorang nye bot kene tahan jap. bagy dia lalu duluu. ok. yela. Hmmph ! I have a look at their boat, they`d been served with drinks. Wow! Bot aku tade lak kau nak bagy camtuh kan? Ok. *Jeles* Haha. So after that, we just ate ice-cream and went back home. umah aku dengan tempat tu bape minit jeh. Kitorang pegy balek baru sejam. Haha. Naseb baik aku tak make up ke apa kan. Kalau tak, saket gak hati. Teehee (; I`m waiting for the photos from that gurl. Later i update the pics keyh ! Nyte peeps.
p/s: I used to update my blog whenever i get bored. And when i`m bored, i tend to post so many entriesssssssss. haha :D
Imazara Hapiz.
p/s: I used to update my blog whenever i get bored. And when i`m bored, i tend to post so many entriesssssssss. haha :D
Imazara Hapiz.
Thursday, June 10, 2010
I already watched Lagenda Budak Setan. Yeayy ! (:
Nice muvee to watch. It`s not the best malay muvee nor the worst. Just nice. This music video is one of my favorites. Have a look at the lyrics. I`m so touched.
Nice muvee to watch. It`s not the best malay muvee nor the worst. Just nice. This music video is one of my favorites. Have a look at the lyrics. I`m so touched.
Miss Specky !
Ehem ehem. You can read the title clearly right? Or you want me to spell it one by one? Haha. Yes. At last ! I have a new specs. haha. Penat gwa tunggu. Last month, i really really wanna buy it but then i already bought the lenses. so i postponed it. There you go (: I wore the last spec for about nearly 4 years u know. That`s why i wanna have the new one. And guess what? My power increased ! Bukan sikit okay. Banyak ! PLUS, dah ada silau dah. Terima Kaseh mata. aku memang sayang kau lah =_=" So, here are some pictures that had been captured by me. Yeay !

Do this tag ! (:
This tag thingy was taken from miss fatin amirah. she`s my neighbour. Hee. Akak amek ye aten nye tag ni. mengisi masa lapang lah katakan (: Enjoy reading guys..
5 brand that you like the most
= voir
= vincci
= goggles
= guess
= roxy
5 countries that you want to go
= Singapore
= Indonesia
= Paris
= Aberythwyth, Wales (Rindu giler ! ;( )
= Australia
5 countries that you do not want to go
= Israel
= Greenland
= Denmark ( I hv no idea. haha )
= Thailand
= India
5 item that you like the most
= Shoes shoes shoess ! :D
= tops
= gadgets
= Accessories
= shawl !
5 people that you love the most
= family is my priority
= the boyfriend
= besties
= friends
= if u love me, i will love u (:
5 people that you hate the most
= hypocrites
= like to talk shits
= a lier
= who can`t respect others
= who don`t know how to appreciate themself
5 color that you like the most
= pink
= turqoise
= baby blue
= white
= orange
5 color that you dislike the most?
= grey
= black
= stricking red
= dark green
= color that doesn`t match
5 things that you dream the most
= own a car
= own a house
= dream job
= happy family (:
= money come near me please? Hee.
5 of your positive character.
= friendly
= loveable
= have a helping hand i guess?
= reti nak sejukkan hati sendiri. hebat bukan?
= pandai masak air.haha (malas nak pikir bende lain dah)
5 of your negative character
= cried easily. agree with me? haha :P
= likes to wake up late. hehe.
= i don`t prefer to work (not now please)
= emotional unstable sumtimes
= kepala otak lembab macam siput ! :P
5 moments that you miss the most
= Langkawi with the babes (:
= date with the boyfriend
= family gathering
= holidays
= spend time with the besties
5 moments that you do not want to remember at all?
= embarressing moments where i used to cry outside of the classroom everytime when there`s an english class. i hate english before but now i loooooooove english ! (:
= jatuh tersadung kat tengah2 kantin. malu doe =.="
= Aku pernah tak layan kawan2 aku selama sehari. sangat bersalah rasanya hingga kini. kejam aku ni. Huu.
= Tiap2 kali aku pindah sekolah, kene introduce diri and asyik kena duk paling belakang dalam class. tu pasal aku kene pakai specs. (eceh, specs pulak yang salah :P )
= Beberapa kali aku kene buli time skolah dulu. Baik sekolah rendah or sekolah menengah. kesian aku kan? Mentang2 aku skema giler. Hmmph !
5 positive characters of your best buddy
= kind
= happy go lucky
= supportive
= gives shoulder to cry on
= a helping hand
5 things that you happy to do the most (Of your entire life)
= Shopping
= Holiday
= Lepaking
= Dating
= Spend time with the loved ones
5 things that you regret the most
= Dulu orang lain study bagai nak giler, aku cool jek. baca jugak, tapi tak segigih mereka. padan muka aku :P
= Nak SPM tapi masih bole main2. gi tuition tapi tak concentrate. padan muka aku !
= Dulu suka memberontak. jahat aku ni. huhu
= Suka marah tak tentu pasal. kesian kat mereka yg jd mangsa aku. ampun !
= Belajar fizik main2. tp cita2 nak jd arkitek. sengal. haha.
Single question
Favorite animal?
= cat
Favorite quote?
= tears are the words that the heart can`t say
Favorite actor?
= Lee Min Ho, Hero Boys Over Flower (Currently. sbb dia hensem. haha )
Favorite actress?
= Liyana Jasmay
Favorite things that you do when you are alone?
= Scroll back to the photo albums before ;(
Favorite website?
= Blogspot.
Favorite moment
= Spend time with family
Favorite sport?
= play badminton but i like to watch soccer. haha.
Favorite vegetable?
= calary/ celery (i`m not sure with the spelling. weeee. haha )
Favorite comedies
= encik kacang (MR BEAN :P )
Tag this to 10 person.
= JaaSyg (:
= sina
= cidot
= jo
= zharul
= lovely emy
= lulu
= belle
= ayeem
= anyone? (:
Imazara Hapiz
5 brand that you like the most
= voir
= vincci
= goggles
= guess
= roxy
5 countries that you want to go
= Singapore
= Indonesia
= Paris
= Aberythwyth, Wales (Rindu giler ! ;( )
= Australia
5 countries that you do not want to go
= Israel
= Greenland
= Denmark ( I hv no idea. haha )
= Thailand
= India
5 item that you like the most
= Shoes shoes shoess ! :D
= tops
= gadgets
= Accessories
= shawl !
5 people that you love the most
= family is my priority
= the boyfriend
= besties
= friends
= if u love me, i will love u (:
5 people that you hate the most
= hypocrites
= like to talk shits
= a lier
= who can`t respect others
= who don`t know how to appreciate themself
5 color that you like the most
= pink
= turqoise
= baby blue
= white
= orange
5 color that you dislike the most?
= grey
= black
= stricking red
= dark green
= color that doesn`t match
5 things that you dream the most
= own a car
= own a house
= dream job
= happy family (:
= money come near me please? Hee.
5 of your positive character.
= friendly
= loveable
= have a helping hand i guess?
= reti nak sejukkan hati sendiri. hebat bukan?
= pandai masak air.haha (malas nak pikir bende lain dah)
5 of your negative character
= cried easily. agree with me? haha :P
= likes to wake up late. hehe.
= i don`t prefer to work (not now please)
= emotional unstable sumtimes
= kepala otak lembab macam siput ! :P
5 moments that you miss the most
= Langkawi with the babes (:
= date with the boyfriend
= family gathering
= holidays
= spend time with the besties
5 moments that you do not want to remember at all?
= embarressing moments where i used to cry outside of the classroom everytime when there`s an english class. i hate english before but now i loooooooove english ! (:
= jatuh tersadung kat tengah2 kantin. malu doe =.="
= Aku pernah tak layan kawan2 aku selama sehari. sangat bersalah rasanya hingga kini. kejam aku ni. Huu.
= Tiap2 kali aku pindah sekolah, kene introduce diri and asyik kena duk paling belakang dalam class. tu pasal aku kene pakai specs. (eceh, specs pulak yang salah :P )
= Beberapa kali aku kene buli time skolah dulu. Baik sekolah rendah or sekolah menengah. kesian aku kan? Mentang2 aku skema giler. Hmmph !
5 positive characters of your best buddy
= kind
= happy go lucky
= supportive
= gives shoulder to cry on
= a helping hand
5 things that you happy to do the most (Of your entire life)
= Shopping
= Holiday
= Lepaking
= Dating
= Spend time with the loved ones
5 things that you regret the most
= Dulu orang lain study bagai nak giler, aku cool jek. baca jugak, tapi tak segigih mereka. padan muka aku :P
= Nak SPM tapi masih bole main2. gi tuition tapi tak concentrate. padan muka aku !
= Dulu suka memberontak. jahat aku ni. huhu
= Suka marah tak tentu pasal. kesian kat mereka yg jd mangsa aku. ampun !
= Belajar fizik main2. tp cita2 nak jd arkitek. sengal. haha.
Single question
Favorite animal?
= cat
Favorite quote?
= tears are the words that the heart can`t say
Favorite actor?
= Lee Min Ho, Hero Boys Over Flower (Currently. sbb dia hensem. haha )
Favorite actress?
= Liyana Jasmay
Favorite things that you do when you are alone?
= Scroll back to the photo albums before ;(
Favorite website?
= Blogspot.
Favorite moment
= Spend time with family
Favorite sport?
= play badminton but i like to watch soccer. haha.
Favorite vegetable?
= calary/ celery (i`m not sure with the spelling. weeee. haha )
Favorite comedies
= encik kacang (MR BEAN :P )
Tag this to 10 person.
= JaaSyg (:
= sina
= cidot
= jo
= zharul
= lovely emy
= lulu
= belle
= ayeem
= anyone? (:
Imazara Hapiz
Wednesday, June 02, 2010
Week Review. Hee.
Assalamualikum, heylo ! (:
How are you guys doing? Mine is okay. Hehe. So, i had done so many things but can`t find the right time to update my blog. Teheee. sorry yaw! I will do the review of what I`d done the last a couple of days.
On the Wesak Day, I can`t recall. haha. i forgot what I`d done that day. Dush ! :P But i remember that i ate durian ! Weee (: That night, my eldest sis brought home Big Apple Donnuts. That`s all i can remember. Hee.
Last saturday, i follow my parent and my `lil sis went back to our hometown at Muar as my uncle had done the operation. I forgot to ask my mum the reason of that matter. Before we`re going back, we went to 3 houses of wedding invitations. We`re so full until at the last house, we`re able to eat their desert only ! Lucky day huh? Hehe. My mum is the happiest person because she said 'Wah, bagusla. Mak tak payah masak hari ni.' Haha. My mum always like that. She likes to sit and have a rest all day. Even sometimes, she prefer to eat McD rather than cooking. :D
The 2 days before, I went to Dataran Pahlawan for shopping ! :D I brought my accompany along. Sape lagy kalau bukan Cik Syahidah saya. hehe. I got myself a new bag, a new wedges & a new shirt. Then i bought another long sleeve shirt. U know what, i already paid it n just grab the plastic bag. After that i bought drinks for us then i realised that the staff gave me the wrong thing ! She didn`t give me that particular shirt. She gave me a man sandal. Urgh ! I went back to that store and it`s already CLOSED. Dem yu ! Sabar jela aku. I have a look at that sandal. size 6. black sandal. i told my mum and she said, returned it back n exchanged it. i told my `lil bro and he smiled. He said 'Ehh, tiba tiba muat pulak sandal ni.' Haha. I knew what he meant, which was he wanted that sandal. so i gave him. but it`s okay. Burnt jela duit tu. Huu.

p/s: If you buy sumthing, have a look at your plastic bag first. Make sure that what you already pay is what you purchased !
Imazara Hapiz
How are you guys doing? Mine is okay. Hehe. So, i had done so many things but can`t find the right time to update my blog. Teheee. sorry yaw! I will do the review of what I`d done the last a couple of days.
Last thursday, done nothing much. I just fetch my `lil sis from her hostel as the day after is a public holiday which is Wesak Day. I spend time with her that evening by playing badminton. Weee~ I will play badminton with her only u know. because she`s the only one who treated me nicely. haha. Layan je kepala akak dia sorang ni. My other siblings like rather doing things alone. If i ask them to join me to do sumthing, they will rather say 'Alaahh, malaslah..' So, my `lil sis is the one who won`t object what i said. haha. Love you fara ! xD
On the Wesak Day, I can`t recall. haha. i forgot what I`d done that day. Dush ! :P But i remember that i ate durian ! Weee (: That night, my eldest sis brought home Big Apple Donnuts. That`s all i can remember. Hee.
Last saturday, i follow my parent and my `lil sis went back to our hometown at Muar as my uncle had done the operation. I forgot to ask my mum the reason of that matter. Before we`re going back, we went to 3 houses of wedding invitations. We`re so full until at the last house, we`re able to eat their desert only ! Lucky day huh? Hehe. My mum is the happiest person because she said 'Wah, bagusla. Mak tak payah masak hari ni.' Haha. My mum always like that. She likes to sit and have a rest all day. Even sometimes, she prefer to eat McD rather than cooking. :D
The 2 days before, I went to Dataran Pahlawan for shopping ! :D I brought my accompany along. Sape lagy kalau bukan Cik Syahidah saya. hehe. I got myself a new bag, a new wedges & a new shirt. Then i bought another long sleeve shirt. U know what, i already paid it n just grab the plastic bag. After that i bought drinks for us then i realised that the staff gave me the wrong thing ! She didn`t give me that particular shirt. She gave me a man sandal. Urgh ! I went back to that store and it`s already CLOSED. Dem yu ! Sabar jela aku. I have a look at that sandal. size 6. black sandal. i told my mum and she said, returned it back n exchanged it. i told my `lil bro and he smiled. He said 'Ehh, tiba tiba muat pulak sandal ni.' Haha. I knew what he meant, which was he wanted that sandal. so i gave him. but it`s okay. Burnt jela duit tu. Huu.
p/s: If you buy sumthing, have a look at your plastic bag first. Make sure that what you already pay is what you purchased !
Imazara Hapiz
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