Ehh, tertekan ikon Blogger lah pulakk. Ecehh. Bajet giler ter-click kan. Pastu dandan update blog pulak kan ima? Taktik lapuk ! :P
Assalamualaikum kawan-kawan. Ok. Rasa bajet sekali lagy. Sebab rasa takde orang pon nak baca blog budak-budak aku nehh. Huhu. Tapi takpe, nak update jugak ! :D
I had a very stressful week ! You know what, i have to submit my first three topic, which is from Chapter 1 `til 3 in only one week time ! Gila lahh. Rasa macam Professor yang dah ada doctorette dah. Huhu. Tak suka la macam ni. Kerja tergopoh gapah. Mana ada kualiti nanti. Ni pun mujur dah siap sket. Sket je tau tak. I don`t know whether i`m able to complete it at that time :( Pray fer me yeaaa. Jasamu dikenang ! :D
So i have listed the tasks that needs to be settled during these two weeks, which are:
a. Yes of course my term paper/ thesis. (Chapter 1-3)
b. The interview questionnaire. ( We have to interview at least three teachers in one school to make a review of the principal of that particular school- Bukak ke tak sekolah sekarang ni? Aku bagy masa 3 saat untuk korang pikir )
c. Design 10 different activities by using 5 skills BUT the materials will be only two. Which are international article and local article.
d. FOR YOUR INFORMATION, we will be having our test on the 30th December.
Sekarang hang habaq kat aku. Hang bgtau kat aku yang mana satu aku kena sebat dulu? Huhuhu. Pening kepala aku. Aku nak pegy Yun Nam la lepas ni. Rasa macam kepala dah botak dah T________T
I have no idea why at the very last sem we need to struggle. Why we need to do the term paper. We`re not a researcher. We just doin` our practicum. Do we need all of these? *BLUR*
All the best to me *crossing fingers*
Monday, December 27, 2010
Saturday, December 25, 2010
Diam diam gua, gua ada tahap kesabaran jugak der !
Aku tak faham sangatlah. Boleh kau fahamkan aku tak? Apesal kau nak sibuk-sibuk cerita hal aku kat orang lain? Sama ada kau JELES dengan hidup aku ke, kau SAKET MATA dengan tindakan aku OR APA? Boleh kau perjelas kat aku kenapa kau insan terpilih or offer yourself untuk jadi reporter terhebat aku? Jap jap. Aku ada reporter or ada STALKER? Dahla tak tahu hujung pangkal cerita. Tak tahu sebab musabab hal berlaku, tak tanya aku apa-apa, alih-alih nak jadi ORANG YANG BAIK nak mengadu macam-macam lah pulak kan? Eii. Kesiannya ku tengok kau. Canang kat orang lain yang aku ni macam ni. Siang aku gini, malam aku gitu. HEY ! Tak malu ke beb? DESPERATE sangat ke apa? HAHA. Lawaklah kau ni. You know what, kalau kau rasa kau hebat sangat, kau rasa kau boleh maju dalam bidang reporter kau ni, silakan.. At least aku berbangga jugakla, ada kaki penyibuk yang nak ambil tahu pasal hidup aku. Auwwwwww, terharu nak mamp je rasanyaaa :')
Setiap kata-kata kau adalah dusta. Kau masih tak perasan lagy ke? Aku nasihatkan kau, malam-malam, pejam mata, muhasabah diri tu. Kenapa nak tipu? Dapat award ke kalau kau tipu tu? Insaflah eh. Aku kalau ikut marah aku, aku penampar je kat muka kau. Tu kalau ikot marah aku lah. Tapi Alhamdulillah aku tak macam tu. Masih waras.
Kali ni tak payah lah awak nak tanya entri ni untuk sape eh. Sape penipu tu, eh tak pun sape yang penah ngadu or repot pape pasal aku tu, jaga-jagalah eh. Kau dah lah bagitau dia, pastu sikittttt pon kau tak bersalah kat aku kan? Padahal kau cerita dengan bangganya pasal aku tuh. Haha. Tak paham betul kan? Ada jugak manusia macam ni. Spesis alien ke ape? Haha. Dah dah. Nak touching dengan aku pulak ke? Sikit pon aku tak heran la beb ! I know you really well. If lepas ni kau kena sisih tu, paham-paham jela yea. Dah 21tahun hidup kan? Takkan kena ajar jugak kot?
Auuuuuw. Kasar sangat ke entri aku kali ni? Haha. Chill lah der. Gua seyes tahap gaban punya story nii. Terhangat di pasaranlah katakan. Hahaha. Hepy Holiday ye!
Setiap kata-kata kau adalah dusta. Kau masih tak perasan lagy ke? Aku nasihatkan kau, malam-malam, pejam mata, muhasabah diri tu. Kenapa nak tipu? Dapat award ke kalau kau tipu tu? Insaflah eh. Aku kalau ikut marah aku, aku penampar je kat muka kau. Tu kalau ikot marah aku lah. Tapi Alhamdulillah aku tak macam tu. Masih waras.
Kali ni tak payah lah awak nak tanya entri ni untuk sape eh. Sape penipu tu, eh tak pun sape yang penah ngadu or repot pape pasal aku tu, jaga-jagalah eh. Kau dah lah bagitau dia, pastu sikittttt pon kau tak bersalah kat aku kan? Padahal kau cerita dengan bangganya pasal aku tuh. Haha. Tak paham betul kan? Ada jugak manusia macam ni. Spesis alien ke ape? Haha. Dah dah. Nak touching dengan aku pulak ke? Sikit pon aku tak heran la beb ! I know you really well. If lepas ni kau kena sisih tu, paham-paham jela yea. Dah 21tahun hidup kan? Takkan kena ajar jugak kot?
Auuuuuw. Kasar sangat ke entri aku kali ni? Haha. Chill lah der. Gua seyes tahap gaban punya story nii. Terhangat di pasaranlah katakan. Hahaha. Hepy Holiday ye!
Friday, December 24, 2010
Kau tabahkanlah hatiku YA ALLAH :'(
Assalamualaikum. Hey everybody (;
Ohh BTW, Merry Christmas for those who will be celebrating it tomorrow.
For Malaysians, Hepy Holiday !
Ohh BTW, Merry Christmas for those who will be celebrating it tomorrow.
For Malaysians, Hepy Holiday !
HOME SWEET HOME ! That was the first phrase that came out of my mouth when i reached home. SO damn tired ! Tired of driving, tired of shopping, tired of hearing people shouting and etc. There`s a bunch of things that need to tell. And my heart is like wanna explode at this time ! I don`t even know how to start. Or should i do it from the very beginning then?
Ok. Friday morning, of course we would have waken up with smile. Hoping that the day will be extra ordinary great ! Yea rite. But not for me. Today, i met my lect. It`s regarding to my thesis. She said she wanna see us Friday morning. So my friends and i went to see her with 'butterflies in our stomach'. You know what, we heard so many bad and negative things about her. Yela. Dah orang cakap macam-macam. Tipu sangatlah kalau kau buat tak endah kan? At first memanglah dalam hati 'Alaa. Dorang saje je kot takut-takutkan kitorang'. Takpun, 'Alaa dorang memang ada buat salah la tuuuu' *Ayat sejukkan hati lah katakan* But then, that thing was happened to me. YES ! Me me me ! Kenapalah aku jugak mangsanya? Adoi. Come on lah. You are a lecturer. Be fair to people. Eventhough you`ve gone through bad things when you`re student, don`t just shoot us dead ! You still have to consider our rights. Ni tak, kitorang datang cara baik, dia buat macam-macam lak kan.
' Who taught you how to do the proposal? You know what, please don`t make a fool with me ! This is a serious matter. Don`t you know how to the proposal???? Who taught you? Tell me now..'
'Err. Mr Ku..'
'Who is he? Is he a lecturer or a teacher? Dari sekolah ke kolej?'
'Err. He is from *sumwhere*'
' I do not know whether he taught you this or you don`t even know what you are doing ! I`m not gonna teach you how to do the proposal. I`M ONLY HERE TO SUPERVISE YOU AND NOT TEACHING YOU. Read more journals and articles. Do your read up. I`m not gonna teach you. Ask your friends from other universities. Don`t you have other friends from other IPT?'
'Err. Yes madam.'
'So, Ask themmmmm ! Ni proposal pon macam ape. What is this ????? Using crossword puzzle to improve vocab? Who did this?'
'Err. Me madam. I did that topic.'
'These objectives are not clearrrr !!!! What is this?? What method do you use?'
'If you do not answer now, i bet you won`t do well for this research !!!' *mata terjegil pandang aku sambil tunjuk jari telunjuk kat depan muka aku*
Lepas tu, dia mula hentam sorang-sorang. Paling banyak kena marah, aku dengan member aku sorang lagy. Tiba-tiba menyesal duk depan meja dia. Dah la dia tengking tak beringat ! Ohh. Lupa nak bagitau, SILA BACA PERBUALAN DI ATAS DENGAN INTONASI KEREK DAN MARAH OHH DAN TAK LUPA JUGA, INTONASI NYARING DAN TINGGIIIIII !
It`s quite hard to negotiate with people which is hot tempered person. Macam mana nak deal dengan orang tengah marah. Sekali kita balas, sepuluh kali dia sembur balek kat kita. Berani korang nak tanya soalan keraguan yang bersarang dalam fikiran korang? BERANI KE? Tak kan? Macam tu jugak aku :'(
I took my shower after i reached home. I cried very badly. I`m so damn stress ! I can`t even think about other thing. My blog is the first thing that i lend my shoulder on. Tak tahu nak mengadu dengan sape dah :'( My mum was so busy handling my sis`s upcoming wedding. She will ask my opinion in everything that she will do. Even i`m taking my shower, she shouted from downstairs..
'Imaaaaaaaaa.. Turun bawah, i wanna ask your opinion ni..'
' Maaaaaaaaaaak, nantila. Ima tengah mandilaaaaaaaa'
Then after i done, i went downstairs,
'Nape mak panggil ima tadi? Ima tengah mandila'
'Ohh. Tade. Nak tanya, color ni dengan color ni matching tak? Ila cakap tak matching. Mak rasa okay je. Apa pendapat ima?'
I was likeeeeeee EIIIII. I HAVE SO MANY THINGS IN MY HEAD AND SHE JUST WANNA ASK MY OPINION ABOUT COLOR? Tak terluah dek kata-kata lah ! Speechless ! Lidah kelu !
At the end i just say, 'Maakk, matching lah. Penat je kita pilih-pilih tadi kan. Dah elok la tu.'
Then i toleh my sis and say, 'Buat jelah. Benda dah beli kan. Banyak pulak tu. Takde maknanya tetamu nak bising color tak macthing ke apa. OKAY? '
I ran upstairs with my watery eyes.
Sunday, December 12, 2010
You know we`re superstars, we are who we are :D
Assalamualaikum ! Hepy Sunday people (:
How`s life? Mine is perfectly under control. Teehee. If not, i might be using swear words rite? Hehe. So, yesterday my angels and i went to OU. We watched Rapunzel happily. It`s like we`re watching young kid`s story u know. `coz at that time, the kids were crying, jumping around, some of them shouted, OMG ! We cannot focus. But hey, luckily i`ve watched that story. Yeayy ! :P Before we went to watch Rapunzel, we were eating like there` no tomorrow u know. haha. We went to Seoul Garden. Buffet lunch ! RM34 per head. U can eat whatever u want from the grilling to chilling ! hehe. I mean from heavy meal to desert. Wow! Fantastic right? Ok. Just scroll down to make ur self craving for them toooo ! :DPicture worth a thousand words right?
Guess what, i have many of themmmmm (;
Jo, cube kau makan yang ni *suap*

tengok tu. udang golek golek dalam kuali :P

tengok tu. udang golek golek dalam kuali :P

Bila krismas, deco semua cantek2. Banyak lagy pic sebenarnya tetapi memandangkan line tak berapa nak okay n aku ni pon pinjam broadband member, kenalah upload some of the pics je. Kat FB pon upload sikit sikit je. Hehe.
p/s: Pakcik santa, saya nak hadiah jugak boleh? :p
Wednesday, December 08, 2010
You torn my heart :(((
Salam (: I just arrived hostel. Baru abes class. Alhamdulillah. Done my presentation just now. Luckily it was okay. I just read it. I don`t put much effort coz i know that thing got no marks. Siot je. I got that info from the class next door. As the result, i just read it from the text i prepared earlier. Hee :D
Just wanna let u guys know about something happen to me. Ohh. Not me actually. It`s my car. It has been scratched by i don`t know which fella. So saaaaaddd :((((( I went to the MAHA last Sunday. It was the last day for that event. I parked somewhere in the RISDA. Maybe it was because too cramped at the other side.
Ohh. Just lets get back to the story. I`m sooooooooooooooooooooo damn upset. Coz idk what to do `til now. I wanna get it polished later. But still don`t know when since i was packed with class and thesis. T_______T. The best part was i left my car just for about few hours. Then when i came back, my friend said, 'Ima, someone scratched ur car' At first, i thought she was joking since she likes to fool around. When i see it myself, Ohhhhhhh Emmmm Jiiii ! *Terjegil mata*
Just wanna let u guys know about something happen to me. Ohh. Not me actually. It`s my car. It has been scratched by i don`t know which fella. So saaaaaddd :((((( I went to the MAHA last Sunday. It was the last day for that event. I parked somewhere in the RISDA. Maybe it was because too cramped at the other side.
Ohh. Just lets get back to the story. I`m sooooooooooooooooooooo damn upset. Coz idk what to do `til now. I wanna get it polished later. But still don`t know when since i was packed with class and thesis. T_______T. The best part was i left my car just for about few hours. Then when i came back, my friend said, 'Ima, someone scratched ur car' At first, i thought she was joking since she likes to fool around. When i see it myself, Ohhhhhhh Emmmm Jiiii ! *Terjegil mata*
Sunday, December 05, 2010
Kacak luar. Kacak dalam.
Nak senyuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuum je..
Suka !
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